
Free DarkRevenge by Jennifer Leeland

Book: DarkRevenge by Jennifer Leeland Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jennifer Leeland
bulging cock with
controlled pressure. He growled and she laughed, exhilarated. She whirled her
leg around for a kick she knew he’d avoid, but he’d get a great view of her
pussy lips as she flew at him.
    She missed, as she’d thought she would, but he followed his
dodge with a smack to her ass. Stars! Who knew she’d love that? She glared at
him and attacked again, this time aiming lower, for his ribs. He caught her leg
with both hands and slammed her down on the floor, his arm flat across her
nipples and his other hand sliding up her leg to the junction between her
    Thoughts of killing him seemed to disappear when his fingers
dipped into her slick channel. But she couldn’t let him win that easily. She
rolled away and they both crouched, knees bent. His eyes glittered and his
chest rose and fell with harsh breaths.
    She sprang to her feet, whirling and turning, her hand and
left leg all directed at Tory’s body. He deflected one attack after the other
and somehow, she ended up flat, face down, on the floor. Tory straddled her,
his hands on her upper arms, his knees at her hips. “Yield.”
    “No.” She shifted and tried to free her body from the
evocative pressure of his. His cock dug into the back of her thighs through his
pants and she struggled against his hold and her desire.
    He jerked her hands behind her back and held her wrists with
one huge hand. His other hand did something she both anticipated and dreaded.
He delivered a sharp slap to her ass. Like before, it stunned her and melted
her to the core. She groaned. Shit. How could she fight him when he knew, he
just knew , all her dark secrets?
    He spanked her again and the heat of it spread over her skin
and through her veins. Two more and her ass was on fire, making her squirm—not
to escape, but to receive more. His fingers stroked her skin and she arched her
hips into his touch.
    The next strike was harder and she cried out in desire, not
pain. He stopped.
    “No!” she blurted out.
    He leaned down until his lips were by her ear. “Tell me what
you want, Alexandra.”
    She knew exactly what he asked. There would be no denying it
later. Her breath stopped.
    He released her wrists, allowed her to escape, freeing her
to make the choice. Desire or pride. Him or her deniability.
    “Please,” she begged.
    He flipped her over, his broad shoulders towered over her,
his body barely touching hers, but the heat scorching her. “Please what?”
    “Please touch me, fuck me,” she said with her eyes closed.
She couldn’t look at him. Her pride, her courage, all failed in the face of her
need for him.
    “Open your eyes, Alexandra,” he demanded.
    She met his gaze. The burning she saw there stoked the fire
in her lower belly. Need. His whole expression screamed it. She arched her back
and her hips slid along his, her pussy touching the hard outline of his cock.
    He moved his hand slowly, winding his fingers through her
hair, unbraiding it, until he reached her scalp. “Say it.”
    She swallowed. “I am your Saria. I choose you.” Those
words cemented what had already been done. It signaled her willingness. And
man, she was willing.
    He tipped her head back and lowered his head until his lips
reached her neck. His teeth scraped along her skin and her nerves jumped and
danced. His tongue slid over her collar bone until she thought she’d scream in
frustration. This slow seduction was going to kill her.
    Everything she did to spur him only slowed him more. She
thrust her hips to meet his and he pinned her to the floor with his legs. She
squirmed beneath him and he tightened his hand in her hair as a warning. Any
minute, her whole body was going to spontaneously combust, she just knew it.
    When he blew a hot breath over her taut nipple, she
whimpered. Whimpered! He kissed the valley between her breasts rather than take
the nipple in his mouth and she growled. “Damn it, Tory.”
    He raised his head and the grin on his face made her want to
deck him.

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