As Time Goes By (The Californians 2)
Gilbert asked from about two feet in front of her.
    "Is that you, Gilbert?"
    "It's me."
    "Oh, good. I'm sorry I didn't explain---" "You need to go home?'" "Right. But I need--" "I'll take you right now."

    Bobbie's features washed relief; he understood. He had also come close enough for her to see him. After watching her search his face with anxious eyes, he finally understood that he needed to draw nearer.
    "Thank you." Bobbie smiled into his face, now so near her own, thinking he was the nicest guy on earth. "If you'll take me first to your dad's office, I'll explain."
    "It's all right. He knows all about it." Bobbie need not know that Bill had learned much from his vantage point in the doorway.
    Once out in the front office, Gil left Bobbie standing by the desk while he collected her coat. She heard conversation behind her but was again examining her glasses and paid no attention. When Bobbie's coat was dropped onto her shoulders she slipped into it and felt her arm taken as she was guided out the door. When they had gone about ten steps on the street Bobbie came to a halt.
    "I need to tell you something, Gilbert. You need to be a step in front of me and let me take your arm. That way if you move I can feel it. If you come to a step, you'll need to say something or slow way down.'"
    "I'll do just that, and by the way, I'm Jeff."
    They had maneuvered into position, and Bobbie alst
    tripped when she heard who was escorting her. "Where's Gilbert?" Bobbie asked in a small voice.
    "He stayed at the office. I need to pick something up at Rigg's and I told him I would take you."
    For some reason this was embarrassing to Bobbie. She felt that Gil was aware and concerned about her plight. Not that Jeff was being unkind, but she wasn't sure he really understood. She didn't really care to explain all over again about needing help, but in the next few minutes she wished she had swallowed her pride and explained.
    As Time Goes By 83
    "I take it you can find your way from here, Bobbie," Jeff said as he stopped before the mercantile. The shipping office was on a busier street than the mercantile and Jeff honestly believed Bobbie would have no trouble the rest of the way. He was gone before she could say a word. Bobbie found she was more frightened than she had ever been in her life.
    Five minutes passed while she tried to calm herself. She did know exactly where she was, but had never been in this situation before. Maybe she could make it home.
    Bobbie tried to think of where the boardwalk ended, if it was right at the corner of the mercantile or a little before. She held the broken spectacles up before her, thankful that the glass was intact. Moving slowly, Bobbie was able to get her hand on the side of the building. Afraid she would drop her glasses and never find them, they went into the pocket of her coat.
    It was a chilly day and having to move slowly did nothing to warm her. Bobbie was almost to the steps when Rigg and Jeff noticed her from inside the store. They exited the building together and Bobbie was just about to step off into midair when Rigg's hand stopped her.
    "Oh, thank you. Who's there?" Bobbie looked up at
    the blurry features.
    "It's Rigg."
    "Oh." Bobbie wanted to cry with relief. "I know you're terribly busy, Rigg, but I'm in a jam. I didn't explain to Jeff that I needed help getting all the way home, and now he's left. Troy is working at the livery, so maybe you could let him know I need help. I know you're busy." She finished in quiet embarrassment and Rigg led her to the bench in front of his store.
    "Just sit here a minute, Bobbie. Jeff is still here."

    Rigg wondered how long Jeff would have stood staring at Bobbie if he hadn't given him a shake. He seemed to be transfixed by the sight of Bobbie struggling along. Standing about ten feet away from her, he hurried forward after Rigg touched him.
    "Here, Bobbie, let me help you."
    Bobbie came to her feet and moved down the street with Jeff, wishing as she

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