Passion's Tide

Free Passion's Tide by Sarah West

Book: Passion's Tide by Sarah West Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sarah West
liberty of borrowing a few of your blankets, I hope you don’t mind.”
    “It’s very creative, no doubt about that,” he admitted, scratching his chin . She beamed . “And solves the question of privacy . I can only foresee one small problem with it.”
    “What would that be?”
    “That’s where the tub goes.”
    “Tub?” she repeated.
    “Aye, my bathtub . Despite what you might have read, not all pirates are disgusting, vile creatures who never bathe. Besides,” he added as he walked over and pulled down a blanket, “I’ve already decided to give you the bed.”
    Much to his chagrin, she looked surprised. “Why would you do that?”
    He sighed . “I’m not a terrible man, Amber . Do you think I enjoy taking women prisoner on my own ship?” He noticed her shrug and continued . “Because I don’t . I regret having to put you in this situation, I really do . But believe me, your chances are much greater with me than on a corrupt merchant ship.” He finished untying the last blanket and threw it onto the bed, then sheepishly handed her the ribbon .
    She snatched it from his fingers without a word of thanks.
    “What were you doing on that ship, anyway?” She turned back to her book, pointedly ignoring him . Logan forced himself to breathe as he tried to unclench his jaw . His attempt to be civil was failing .
    Realizing he was being as childish as she was, he plopped himself into a chair across from her and picked up the bottle of rum, watching her as he poured a liberal amount down his throat . Their eyes met as she peered over the top of her book, but she dropped her gaze with a frown .
    Amber struggled to read, but her mind couldn’t focus with Logan so near . His intense staring wasn’t helping matters much either . Though she couldn’t see him, she could still feel his eyes upon her . Finally she closed the book and set it on the table.
    “Can I help you with something, Logan?”
    “Nope.” She watched as he kicked off his boots and began to pick at his fingernails with a short blade that he produced from his belt .
    “Is there a particular reason yo u are trying to annoy me?”
    “Nope.” She threw up her hands in exa speration just as the door opened and Eli entered .
    The quartermaster stared at the scene in front of him, Amber looking furious as Logan absentmindedly dug under his nails with a knife . He cleared his throat to get their attention . “Abe is just about finished with supper . Should I gather the men?”
    “If you wouldn’t mind . Please extend an invitation to Noah and Jackson as well.” Eli left and Logan shoved the knife back into his belt, turning to Amber.
    “You hungry?”
    “Yes,” she answered, her st omach growling to remind her she hadn’t eaten anything that day besides an apple at breakfast.
    “Help me clear the table, then.” Amber said nothing in return but picked up her book and began rolling up the maps, moving them to the dresser along the wall . She was about to move the bottle of rum when Logan stopped her . “Might as well leave that.”
    Piers was the first to enter, taking a seat across from Amber after the introductions were made . Then came the formidable man she remembered from that morning as the one who had grabbed her . He apologized now, even giving her an awkward bow as he sat down next to her . Jackson, Logan had called him .
    Noah appeared in the doorway next, hesitating before coming in . His eyes located Amber and he gave her a warm smile .
    “Miss Amber, I take it you are being treated well?”
    “As well as one can expect, thank you.” He nodded and seated himself next to Piers . Finally Elijah returned with Johnny and Henry behind him, carrying the evening’s meal . Another man followed and set the table with plates and silverware, placing a tin mug in front of each setting .
    Logan sat at the head of the table and motioned for Eli to sit across from him at the opposite end, then began serving himself . The others followed his

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