Mandy's Story

Free Mandy's Story by D'Elen McClain

Book: Mandy's Story by D'Elen McClain Read Free Book Online
Authors: D'Elen McClain
    “ I don’t mind placing an
order, but I’ll be working at the club with you so we won’t be here
to eat on a regular basis.”
    His eyes shot to hers and very slowly
he swallowed before answering. “No.” The harsh word vibrated
throughout the room.
    He might not be alpha, but his bear had
enough power to make chills run along her arms. She gave him
un-intimidated eye contact and spoke just as harshly. “I wasn’t
    He blinked once then his eyes darkened
in anger. “It doesn’t matter. It will not happen.”
    She was not afraid of her mate and gave
him a sexy grin. “Is this our first argument?”
    He rolled his eyes. “Since meeting you,
it’s been one continuous quarrel. Do you ever do as you’re
    “ You sure are cranky and I
don’t understand why. I had sex with you and then cooked you a
    “ I believe sex is one of
your obligations as my mate and cooking is another.”
    Her fork clattered on her plate and
Mandy leapt to her feet. “You did not just say that.” He was the
most infuriating man she’d ever met. Maybe male bears treated their
mates like second-class citizens, but Mandy was having none of
    Very slowly, Honey rose from the table,
standing more than a foot taller than her. She tilted her head back
in order to keep eye contact, and noticed a tick in his left
    “ You will do as you’re
told. I can and will tie you to the bed each day when I leave for
work. Due to your hair-brained idea of kidnapping me, I’m stuck
here. You will cook and clean, but only if I don’t need you in the
bedroom for mating practice.” He grabbed her shoulders and pulled
her against his hard chest. “We will not have this discussion
again.” His mouth came down on hers.
    Mandy was stunned, and because her
brain was working overtime, she allowed the kiss and didn’t knee
his balls into his stomach. She would show him what it meant to
have a wolf for a mate. And, in the meantime, she’d let him
continue kissing her, but only because it felt so
    He helped her clean up the kitchen
without her asking, which proved he wasn’t as callous as he wanted
her to believe. They walked hand in hand while he showed her her
new home. The weather was beginning to cool, but the day was still
lovely. Men nodded their heads at Honey, but never acknowledged
her. He growled now and then and turned his body if they
approached, not letting a single man close to her. She didn’t see
any women and asked Honey why.
    “ The women have work to
do,” was his clipped response.
    “ What about the
    “ We work, too. Jobs are
assigned by The Kodiak or Dmitri. We also train for contests of
strength and defensive tactics.”
    “ Don’t the women
    He sighed, obviously sick of Mandy
pushing this envelope. “No, the women do not train.”
    “ That makes no
    He looked down his nose. “I’m aware the
wolves do things differently, but you are now part of the bear
clan. It will take an adjustment period, but soon you will learn
our ways. My mother will be happy to guide you. She’s a strong
woman, but knows in order to keep harmony within the clan there are
certain responsibilities everyone has according to gender.” He gave
her a gentle smile. “You will be respected as my mate, but judged
by how you benefit the clan in your capacity as a female. Your
being wolf will not be an issue after several months.”
    His dictates, his stupidity, and then
his final comment about her wolf took her over the top. She stopped
in her tracks and gave him a killing glare. “So the bears are
little better than cats when it comes to how women are treated?”
She didn’t wait for an answer. “The adjustment period will be yours
because you’ll be sleeping with one eye open if you even think I’ll
do your stupid nineteenth-century bidding.” She took a step closer,
tilting her head back further. “You did not mate a bear. You mated
a wolf and you need to learn your

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