The Recruit: Book One

Free The Recruit: Book One by Elizabeth Kelly

Book: The Recruit: Book One by Elizabeth Kelly Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elizabeth Kelly
me all day?”
    “You want me – come and get me.”  She taunted.  “Or are you
afraid of a little girl like me?”
    With a low, angry growl he sprinted towards her. 
    “Breathe, Hannah.”  She muttered to herself and as he
reached for her, she grabbed his forearm and turned her body, socking her hip
into his midsection, exactly as Mannie had taught them.  The move worked like a
charm.  Will sailed over her hip, landing with a thud on the mats.
    Before he could stagger to his feet, she had dropped onto
his chest.  She pinned his shoulders down with her knees and pushed all of her
weight down.
    “Give up?”  She asked.
    He looked up at her, his chin nestled firmly in her crotch,
and wrapped his large hands around her thighs.  She shuddered a little at his
touch, cursing her traitorous body as he grinned.
    “Oh it won’t be that easy, baby.”
    He squeezed her thighs and heaved her body off of him as if
she weighed no more than a feather.  She hit the floor hard, her breath
escaping in a harsh whoosh, but she immediately scrambled to her feet.  She had
just gained her feet when she felt Will’s hand snake around her ankle.  She
yelped as he yanked her feet out from under her and she fell onto her back, her
head bouncing off the mat. 
    Quick as a flash he straddled her, pinning her arms down
with his hands and leaning over her.  He grinned wolfishly at her.  “Give up?”
    She wheezed something at him and he leaned further down.  “What
was that, baby?”
    She head butted him viciously and he roared in shock and
pain, his grip loosening.  She used his shock to her advantage, bucking her
entire body upwards and twisting violently to the left.  He fell off of her and
she scrabbled to her feet, backing up to the far end of the mat as the crowd
    Panting, he stood and faced her.  She could see the red mark
on his cheek where she had hit him and as he rubbed it with his fingers, she
grinned cheekily at him.  “Give up?”
    He started towards her and she surprised him and the crowd,
by racing forward to meet him.  As he reached for her she dropped to her knees
and slid across the slippery mat under his arms.  As she slid past him she
elbowed him directly in the crotch.
    He grunted loudly and dropped to his knees, cupping his
balls as the entire crowd gasped and the men winced. 
    “No fair!  She hit him in the jewels!”  Mannie cried and
Selena grinned at him.
    “You’ve told us time and time again to do whatever it takes –
remember, Mannie?”
    She turned back to the fight just in time to see Hannah leap
onto Will’s back, and wrap her arms around his head and neck like she had done
with Mannie.
    “Go Hannah go!”  She shouted as Hannah wrapped her long legs
around Will’s waist and locked them firmly around his sternum.
    Will clambered to his feet.  His face was bright red and
Hannah was squeezing so hard, Selena had no idea how he was even breathing, let
alone standing.
    With a loud wheeze he pulled her legs apart, the muscles in
his arm bulging with the effort, and bent over, flipping her over his head. 
She lost her grip on his neck and slammed down to the floor, the breath knocked
out of her.  He fell on her, straddling her once more and pinning her arms
above her head.
    She squirmed furiously underneath him.  He leaned over her
and she tried to head butt him again, but this time he was ready and dodged it
    “Give up.”  He demanded.
    “Never!”  She spat and continued to struggle.
    Hannah writhed and twisted under him.  She was furious and,
she realized with dismay, more than a little turned on.  The feel of Will’s
body on hers was making her ache with need despite her anger.  As his gaze dropped
first to her mouth and then her heaving breasts, she felt a thin thread of
satisfaction when his eyes turned yellow.
    Will stared at Hannah’s mouth.  His balls ached with a deep,
throbbing pain and his throat felt like it was on fire, but he had an

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