Dark Creations: The Hunted (Part 4)

Free Dark Creations: The Hunted (Part 4) by Jennifer Martucci, Christopher Martucci

Book: Dark Creations: The Hunted (Part 4) by Jennifer Martucci, Christopher Martucci Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jennifer Martucci, Christopher Martucci
impending birth of his first child.  His unborn child was his primary concern.  Everything else was secondary.  Fatherhood beckoned him, made him realize that a civilian life was the only choice he had if he wanted to watch his child grow up.  Too many of his fellow soldiers had shared cautionary accounts of missing birthdays, first steps, baseball games and dance recitals for him to ignore.  Each one had struck a chord, made him realize he did not want to be a phantom father, and that military service does not end with a soldier.  His family serves as well.  And their sacrifice is great.  He wanted to be present for all of the firsts, for every holiday and special event, even if it meant leaving behind a family he was more familiar with than the one he was born to.  He knew that adjusting to civilian life would be a challenge he was ill prepared for.  But he would do his best.
    He turned off Interstate 8 and navigated several side streets until he reached their humble home on Rocky Pass Road.  The windows were dark and he was sure his wife, Dawn, was asleep.  His early arrival would surprise her.  The notion of surprising her made him smile for the first time in what seemed like an eternity.  He parked in the unpaved driveway, but was careful to turn off his headlights first, then climbed out and stretched.  It felt strange to be standing on a main road unarmed and not in imminent danger.  Ordinary sounds filled the air, birds cawed, dogs barked and the few cars that drove by made soft whooshing sounds as they passed.  The world sounded safe, and unfamiliar, as he strode up his walkway.  Fortunately, someone very familiar slept beyond the front door.
    He unlocked the door and crept in. 
    To his surprise, Dawn was awake.  She saw him, and to his delight, surprise did flicker in her eyes.  She covered her mouth with both hands and tears began streaming down her cheeks. 
    “Hi baby,” he said and felt his chest swell.
    He watched as she quickly moved her hands from her mouth and flung them out before enveloping him in her arms.
    “Jack,” she whispered and buried her face in his neck.
    He breathed deeply, inhaling the floral scent of whatever soap she’d just used, and realized he was finally home.  Tears threatened but he blinked them back feverishly, afraid that if they started, they would never finish. 
    He gently pulled her back, away from him so he could see her face, the face that he’d dreamed about and missed so badly it had physically hurt at times.  She reluctantly complied and stepped back, but entwined her fingers with his.  She held firmly as if afraid to let go, even for a moment.
    “Look at you, Dawn, pretty as ever,” he said earnestly.  He felt her grip tighten further as she gave his hands a gentle squeeze.
    “Fat as ever is more like it,” she worried.  “Look at me for goodness’ sake.  I wish I could look slim and sexy for you, but instead I look like, well, like this .”
    “You look gorgeous, and sexy and slim and much prettier than anything I’ve seen in the last five months.”
    And she did.  He had pictured her in his mind a thousand times since he’d been home five months earlier, more maybe, but seeing her in person was different, better.  He could see the clarity of her pale blue eyes, the brightness of her blonde hair, and now, the roundness of her small belly.  He stared at it.  It resembled a small basketball tucked inside an otherwise slight body.  She looked adorable.  He could not help but smile.
    “I’ve missed you so much.  I can’t believe you’re really here,” she said and wrapped her arms around him again. 
    Although she embraced him tightly, he was reluctant to return her intensity for fear of hurting his growing baby.  Instead he cupped her face in his hands, tipped her chin toward him and kissed her like he’d longed to for nearly half a year.  Once his lips touched hers, every defense he had, every bit of macho strength,

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