Falling Apart (Barely Alive #2)

Free Falling Apart (Barely Alive #2) by Bonnie R. Paulson

Book: Falling Apart (Barely Alive #2) by Bonnie R. Paulson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bonnie R. Paulson
like a frantic movement wrapped in furtive courage.
    I tapped James’s shoulder. He nodded and spurned past the two cars in front of us to the shoulder, where he passed them, their horns blaring beside us. I broke the silence on the phone. “Dominic, I think you should know we are overtaking the car now. Heather is in there and I’m going to get her out. Brian might not make it down to you.” I forced myself to sound less than worried. When in all actuality I couldn’t breathe properly. Well, hell, my brother couldn’t drive the freeway without getting a ticket for going too far under the speed limit. He didn’t have the capabilities to control a vehicle outside established limits.
    “Heather doesn’t need to be alive. She’s just a carrier. I can handle just having a finger returned to me. Can you?” The bastard was right, and if he didn’t need Heather alive or Brian, then why the frantic speed chase? I was trapped in a damn verbal chess match and not prepared to deal with the potential consequences of winning or losing.
    We pulled alongside the small car. Heather’s tear-streaked face peered at us from the side window. A gun poked into her side. I couldn’t see the driver’s face, but I saw enough fear in Heather’s face, my leverage blew right out the damn window.
    I mouthed to James, “Back off.”
    He braked, but stayed with them, almost tail-gating.
    Dominic’s voice stung through the ear piece. “Tell me something. Have you nailed that yet? You don’t have long before she won’t be able to stomach the sight of you.”
    Of course he’d tagged the problem. I might like her, but she could never completely like me. We were the worst Romeo and Juliet ever. I couldn’t kill myself and I certainly couldn’t take her down with me.
    Unperturbed by my silence, Dominic hummed to himself. After a moment of the annoying noise, he asked, “So, why don’t you come to me? I’d love to see James again. We’d do things you’ve never imagined.”
    And hell, I’ll admit, the prospect had more appeal than anyone would ever know. I wouldn’t have to fight my instincts so damn much. I wasn’t hypnotized by anyone anymore and I’d be able to sit beside Dominic as he worked on the cure. Because Travis and Connie worried about a vaccine – I did, too, of course – but I needed a cure. And a cure would be Dominic’s first priority, if not the ability to lengthen the strengths into an immortal existence. Less than ten weeks left on the earth wasn’t enough in my book. But I ignored the temptation he offered. I had time.
    I was better. I could do it. I had more control than he implied. I hadn’t eaten Heather yet, had I? Cravings be damned.
    Anger filled me. I clicked the phone shut on the bastard. “We have to stop. You need to go back.” I slammed my hand on the dash.
    “What? Are you kidding me? I’m going with you. You need me.” James stuck to the black car’s tail without faltering. He had no idea what could happen. I’d seen the worst in Dominic and I knew more would come.
    I ran my hand down my face. “Truth? You can’t get too close to where he is, or he’ll know and use it to his advantage. I don’t know where he’s holed up, but wherever he is as soon as we get within range, you’ll be in his control and we’ll be screwed.” The effort to jump out and disappear into the woods wouldn’t be half as painful as heading into Dominic’s headquarters alone. “Let’s follow them as far as we can. They’re bound to need gas soon.” Us, too. “Maybe we can do something at that point. I don’t know. I’m working on the fly here, and I have no idea what the hell to do.”
    As much as Heather meant to me, I couldn’t lose my brother any more than I would. He had a couple weeks more than I did and I had to try my best to ensure he had every chance possible.
    But she needed me.
    And as much I wanted to live, I wanted to live with the chance that she’d kiss me again.
    The miles passed

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