Wings Over Poppies (Over #2)

Free Wings Over Poppies (Over #2) by J.A. DeRouen

Book: Wings Over Poppies (Over #2) by J.A. DeRouen Read Free Book Online
Authors: J.A. DeRouen
Tags: Wings Over Poppies
it’s all I’ll have after tonight.
    “It was a metaphor,” I giggle as I pull my dress over my head, exposing my white lace bra and panties with pink trim.
    West devours me with his eyes, grips my waist, and roughly pulls me close. His tongue slides against mine as I fumble rather clumsily with the button on his pants.
    “Wait, Alex. I don’t have any condoms,” he says as we get off our knees and lay down together.
    “Check the picnic basket. It’s stocked with much more than food,” I joke as I finally move his zipper down, down, down.
    My hand hesitantly creeps inside his zipper, and I wrap my hand around him through his boxer shorts. He tilts his head back and closes his eyes, a low moan rumbling in his chest.
    “Alex, I’m gonna explode if you keep touching me.” He gently moves my hand and lies on top of me.
    His lips, his tongue, his hardness pushing right where I need him most—it’s too much and not enough all at once. Between breathy kisses, I ask the question that I can’t seem to push out of my mind.
    “Have you ever, West?”
    He stops moving and looks over my face with … regret? His fingers brush my forehead lovingly, and he settles next to me with his head propped on his hand.
    “I’m not a virgin, if that’s what you’re asking,” he says quietly.
    “But have I ever done this ? No, never. Nothing has ever come close to this.” He kisses me sweetly as his thumb brushes over my bra. I arch in response, hungry for more of him. “You are a first for me, Alex. In more ways than one. In every way that counts.”
    His hand travels over my belly button, down to my panties. He looks at me, wordlessly asking permission. My expression must please him, because he continues his descent. I grab his neck and pull his lips to mine, moaning into his mouth as his fingers slide over me, then enter me.
    The sensations overpower me. He pushes me toward the edge with his perfectly placed thumb, he stretches me with his fingers, and he devours me with his lips. A slow moan builds from within, and I lose control. Waves of pleasure consume me, and my breath comes in short bursts.
    “You amaze me,” he whispers against my lips as I begin to calm.
    My eyes are still closed, but I feel my panties slide down my legs, and a wrapper crinkling breaks through the silence. I look up and see the most intoxicating sight ever kneeling between my legs. My eyes travel over his handsome face, his muscular chest, his defined abs, and then his … oh, shit . One singular thought clouds my brain.
    That thing is not gonna fit.
    I lift my eyes when I hear West’s chuckle, and that jerk has the most arrogant grin aimed right at me. I take off my bra and throw it right at his face.
    “Well, somebody’s mighty pleased with himself! Newsflash—I’ve never seen anybody else’s … package , so you could be really small for all I know.” I cross my arms over my chest and huff.
    West’s eyes cloud as he reaches down and moves my arms out of the way.
    “Please don’t cover yourself.” He places light kisses to the tops of my breasts. His eyes look up and meet mine. “Believe me, Alex, I’m the one in awe right now.”
    He moves more firmly in between my legs, and I feel him close to my entrance. He pushes slightly, and a rush of anxiety, excitement, and a teeny bit of pain pass through me.
    “Ouch, take it out! I need a minute,” I shout as I tap his shoulder insistently.
    West laughs softly into my shoulder and then rises to meet my gaze. “Alex, I haven’t put it in yet.”
    A smile creeps across my face, and I burst into laughter. Leave it to my big mouth to ruin the mood. It takes us several minutes for our laughter to fade, and West’s gentle eyes meet mine.
    “We don’t have to do this,” he starts before I shake my head in disagreement.
    “I want this more than anything, West. I let my nerves drive for a minute. That’s all.”
    I lick his bottom lip, and he allows me entrance. This kiss is

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