Confused (Getting Inside of V - Book 2)

Free Confused (Getting Inside of V - Book 2) by Kate Lynne

Book: Confused (Getting Inside of V - Book 2) by Kate Lynne Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kate Lynne
deserved any abuse was him. And I delivered.
    I’m not a violent person. Maybe I am by nature, but I fight against it every single day. I try my damnedest to not even be remotely close to my son of a bitch sperm donor. I shied away in the corner. I was there, but not really living. Just going through the motions and trying to make it long enough to escape for good. Then she came around and the light was suddenly back in my eyes. Her ever present calm always managed to mellow me. The rage teased and tempted to come out, but it didn’t. Not around her, never around her.
    When I tell her who I am, she’s going to hate me. She’s probably going to kill me like all the rest. And I’ll let her. If that’s what it takes to fix her, I’ll let her. I know she’ll never be able to go back to the girl that I once knew, but even if I could get just a glimpse of that person from time to time, it would be enough. It would satisfy me for the rest of my life. I choose to let her decide how long my life will be. I’m sick, yeah , probably. But love will do that shit to you. It will make you travel to the ends of the world with your last bottle of water and no food in sight. It’s a desperation, a feeling crawling into your veins and lurching itself to your heart like a leech. There’s no escaping it.
    The only card that I have to play is the biggest lie of her life. The one that I’ve been wanting to express since I’ve heard word of its truth. I saw it with my own eyes. He’s alive. The only flesh and blood that she knows and loves that ’s left. I think he can turn her around. I think he can cure her, make her better. But I need to use him. I need to dangle him before her. It’s the only way I’ll be able to keep her. Even if only for a short time. I think I’m just as bad as she is. We’re soul mates. I don’t doubt that fact for a second.
    I watch her sleep for a couple of hours before hatching a plan. If I can just get her to listen, to hear me out without going into survival mode, then I think I can actually get through to her. A part of me has no hope that she ’ll even care. This new version of her doesn’t give a shit about anyone but herself. And even in that capacity she doesn’t care much.
    I have his picture. He looks just like her. Jaxon, that’s his name. Her little brother. The nurses lied. They knew a young girl couldn’t take care of a child and neither one of them had any family waiting to step up and be parents. It would only devastate her more to know that they were going to separate places. If only they knew then what I know now. What she didn’t know destroyed her and ultimately led to the death of her previous self. As conflicted as I feel about th e whole situation, I know that I’ll do whatever it takes. He’s with a family that loves him and cares for him. But if it would make her happy, I’ll take him away. I’ll steal him for her. I just want her to be happy again. I want the light back. But if I can’t get it, I’ll learn to adapt to living in the dark.

    This novella is dedicated to my dirty girls, my blogger bitches and all of my loves. YOU make my world go round'.  
    Thank you for giving me a chance to expand my mind and try something new! I am absolutely blessed at the response that I’ve gotten from everyone. I really thought you all would hate it.
     I'm so happy that I took a chance on a genre that I don't typically write. I did that because of all of you that supported me along the way!
    Thank you to Limitless P ublishing and all of the wonderful authors that you support. Each and every one of your team members have been nothing but professional and amazing. Much appreciation to those behind the scenes.
    Thank you to all of those that have shared V around...She loves it.  
    I love you all HARD. XoXo

    About the Author
    I am twenty-three years old and live in a small and boring farm town in Michigan, USA.
    I work between 40-60 hours a

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