A Persistant Attraction

Free A Persistant Attraction by Silvia Violet

Book: A Persistant Attraction by Silvia Violet Read Free Book Online
Authors: Silvia Violet
Tags: Red hot Historical romance
you learn that last night?”
    “I won’t go as a woman. I’ll wear my breeches, and we can pretend I’m your servant.”
    “Amanda, no one in their right mind would believe you were a boy.”

    “But I—”
    “I’ve seen you in your ‘disguise’. It doesn’t work.”
    “Then you will just have to help me make the disguise better.”
    “Amanda, you are not coming.”
    “We’ll see about that tomorrow. What if the man tries something before then?”
    “I’ve placed guards around your aunt’s house. No one will be able to get in undetected.”
    “What will Aunt Claire say when she sees them?”
    “She won’t. They couldn’t do their job very effectively if they didn’t know how to hide.”
    “Who are these men? More mysterious friends of yours?”
    “You could say that.”
    “You’re a man who according to some is an accomplished businessman, and according to others is a rake whose sole accomplishments are drinking to excess, gambling and entertaining ladies of dubious character. What have you done to have friends such as these?”
    Rhys grinned. “I am in fact a successful businessman.” Amanda experienced a moment of shock. She’d never really believed those rumors.
    “Yes, I’ve actually sullied my hands in trade.” She snorted. “As if I care about that.”
    He smiled. “No. You are one of the few ladies who wouldn’t. I meet lots of people through my work. Don’t worry who the guards are. You need only believe they will keep you safe tonight.”
    She wanted to argue with him, but his words made her realize how much danger she was truly in. No matter where she was, she was vulnerable, even at home in her bed. Why hadn’t she thought of that before? Perhaps because she was in denial. Feeling shaken, she leaned forward and rested her head on her hands. “Do you really think we’ll find this man?”

    Rhys frowned. All the fire seemed to have drained from her, and as infuriating as she could be when she kicked up, he couldn’t stand to see her looking defeated.
    He sat beside her and took one of her hands. She tried to pull away, but he tightened his grip. “We’ll find this man. I will go to any lengths necessary to see that he pays for trying to harm you.”
    He’d not intended to touch her. But he longed to take the fear from her expression, and he knew no other way to do it.
    He pulled her other hand from her face and leaned toward her even as he told himself to stop. Her eyes widened, but she didn’t move away. “Are you going to try to seduce me now?” she whispered
    “Yes.” He drew the word out and watched her shiver from its effect.
    Nothing short of a protest from Amanda could have stopped him at that moment. He had to taste her again. “Whenever you wish me to stop, tell me. I will do as you say. I am only interested in a willing partner.”
    She nodded. The look of surrender on her face made his body thrum. Just when he needed her to fight, to slap him for his arrogance, she smiled at him and tilted her head back, waiting for his kiss.
    Forcing himself to move slowly, he touched his lips to hers. When her mouth parted with no coaxing at all, he groaned and deepened the kiss, sucking her bottom lip into his mouth and relishing her warmth.
    He shifted position until he was kneeling on the floor in front of her, her legs pushed apart by his body. He could feel her firm breasts against his chest, and he fought to keep his hands on her back when he wanted to rip the front of her dress and feast on her creamy skin.
    When she tentatively slid her tongue into his mouth, he feared he would combust. He tightened his grip on her and pressed his lips harder against hers.
    She clung to him, her hands kneading his back. She tightened her legs around him.
    Her tongue tangled with his, fighting for the chance to taste him. His fingers found the

    satin ribbon that crisscrossed its way up the back of her dress. He loosened it until it slipped from her shoulders.
    She pulled away,

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