Save Me

Free Save Me by L J Baker

Book: Save Me by L J Baker Read Free Book Online
Authors: L J Baker
word, home. Before the whole outbreak, that's exactly what it was. By the time I left however, home was so far away from what I felt for that place. Now though, maybe it could be home again. It felt different being there with Will.
    "You okay?" Will looked over me like he was trying to decide if he needed to carry me down the stairs or not. I probably should have answered honestly. I was definitely not okay. I wasn't about to admit that though. A girl had to have a little bit of pride. And since I already had to have Will help me walk and hold my hair back as I puked on the side of the road, I was already low in that area.
    As soon as I answered, I knew things were about to get worse. I could hear Will repeating my name but it sounded like it was coming from a distance. Everything became really fuzzy and I felt my legs give out from under me, back to the wonderful abyss of unconsciousness.
    When I woke up, I was in my bed back in my old room in the basement. I had no idea how long I had been asleep but by the faint light peeking through the bedroom door, I figured it was at least morning. Will was sitting on a chair he pulled up to the bed beside me looking like he was on a deathwatch.
    "Hey," I whispered, trying to reassure him that I was alright. I didn't think it was possible, but my head was hurting even more than before. I remembered the stash of pain meds we had down here and tried to get up to find some.
    "Oh no you don't! You are staying right there." The look on Will's face made it clear he wasn't letting me leave this bed. "Whatever you need I can get for you."
    "My head..." My voice trailed off. It was just too painful to even talk.
    "I'll get you something. You stay here. I mean it." He turned back before leaving the room to make sure I wasn't trying to follow him. He sure was getting bossy.
    I hadn't shown Will the medical supplies, although he didn't seem to have trouble finding them. He returned with two pills and a bottle of water. I glanced down at the pills he handed me. Over-the-counter pain relievers were not what I had in mind. I was thinking more like half a bottle of that stuff my cousin Marie took when she had her wisdom teeth pulled. I tried to protest, but I just didn't have it in me. Will could tell I wasn't happy with his choice of pain meds.
    "Andi, you have a concussion. I think you should stick with these at least until you are not passing out anymore." He was not about to budge on the subject and I was sure I couldn't fight him like this. I swallowed the pills begrudgingly. I guess if they helped even a little it would be better than how it was now.
    "Are you hungry?" Will's stomach growled from emptiness. I shook my head. There was no way I was going to put anything else in my stomach that I knew would inevitably come back up.
    "You should eat though." Just because I couldn't eat didn't mean he should starve.
    "I'm not leaving you." His stomach growled again in protest.
    "Will, please," I whispered. "I want you to eat." I yawned as the drowsiness crept back. I felt like I could sleep for days. I never wanted to experience a concussion ever again!
    Will didn't look happy about leaving me but he finally agreed. He needed to keep his strength up since I was clearly useless right now. He looked tired, like he hadn't slept in days. Which actually, he probably hadn't. I couldn't imagine the same boy who teared up looking at what the cousins had done to me, sleeping soundly while he knew I was with them.
    I could hear Will in the kitchen putting together some dinner. He really was helpful to have around. All the time I spent in the basement with Jacob and Zach, they never once helped out with what they called 'women's work'. No cooking, laundry, cleaning up. Nothing. In the short time I had known Will, he cooked nearly every meal we had, cleaned up most of the mess, killed our dinner, saved me from flesh eating zombies and rescued me from two murderous cousins. A girl really couldn't find a

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