Rise of the Darekian's, The

Free Rise of the Darekian's, The by Andrew Wood

Book: Rise of the Darekian's, The by Andrew Wood Read Free Book Online
Authors: Andrew Wood
what is going on." With his newfound energy he quickly exited down the corridor looking for someone, anyone, continuing he broke into a jog, turning and heading towards the treasury, he knew someone would be there; it was guarded every hour of every day without fail. As he had correctly assumed, six guards lounged around a doorway, though they quickly stood, and looked shocked to have been found acting so lax. "How many are you?" Luken asked the first man, "Just us six and the same again inside the treasury room itself, your highness," he said. Luken thought for a second, "right you four come with me, something has happened and I need to find out," then without even waiting, he turned and ran, the four men struggling to keep up.
    He made his way to the main entrance, pushed open the doors which to his amazement were little more than rotten timber, he stopped, squeezing his finger and thumb against the once sturdy entrance, only to see it crumble in his hands. The men with him looked as dumbfounded as he did; outside their confusion was even more apparent. They stood looking around; "look ," one said pointing down to their feet, at several piles of what looked like old bones and a few bits of decomposed rag. Luken could hear the sound of horses, the sound they gave when in panic, and he hastily darted across the yard, kicking several piles of bones in the process. He quickly deduced the reason for the horses cries, as he noticed the stables themselves, the walls were cracking and already some of the ceiling had collapsed in. Without thinking he went to open the doors only to have them fall entirely apart as he tried, covering him and the four men in bits of rotten wood.
    Running in he opened as many stalls as he could, and with the help of those with him, starte d leading the frightened creatures, including his own out into the yard. Returning several times they emptied the building of animals just as the entire west wall fell inwards bringing the entire building to a crash. Dust flew up, but that did not stop Luken, he realised something terrible was happening. The people were gone, and the buildings for some reason he had not fathomed, were decomposing in front of his eyes. Ordering the men with him, one to fetch the others from the treasury, along with any chests they could carry; the other three he sent off to different places around the palace, see if they can find others, and grab what they can, then get out. Running back down the corridor to his room he noticed a large crack appearing along one wall. Inside he ran straight to a worried little boy, "sorry Taylor I was gone longer than I said," grabbing a couple of pillow cases from his linen closet, handing one to the young boy, "take this and put as many of your clothes in as you can, and as quickly as you can." He started filling his own, a couple of blankets, some personal items, and anything he thought may be useful.
    Walking at a quick pace, Luken, Taylor and Dareen made their way back outside, but exiting via the kitchens, grabb ing bundles of food as they did. Several loaves of bread, a wheel of cheese, fruit and some cuts of meat. In the yard there now stood a few more people, and with the palace still standing, for now, he ordered as many as possible to go through the side door, food from the stores as well as blankets, pots and pans, as well as sending two men to collect weapons from the armoury. The yard was starting to fill, not with people, but with piles of all sorts of stuff. Several carts and wagons were still usable, having been stored in outbuildings, though they only got these out just in time before one came crashing down. Once he was satisfied it was not safe to re-enter the palace, he looked around the yard, amazed at what they had amassed in just a short space of time. He noticed Dareen was not the only servant to have been spared, several others were grouped together, comforting each other as each told their own story of what they had

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