The Age of Wonder
    Dawkins, Richard, 313n, 429n; Unweaving the Rainbow, 321n, 440n
    de la Tour, Georges, xix
    Demba (African slave boy), 215-16
    Dennett, Daniel, 313n
    De Quincey, Thomas, 413; ‘Animal Magnetism’, 315n; Confessions of an English Opium-Eater, 431
    Descartes, René, 249, 448
    Dessalis, Dr: marries Harriet Blosset, 42
    Dettela, Josephine (‘Pappina’), 377, 419, 421-3, 427, 432, 434
    Devonshire, Georgiana, Duchess of, 137, 139, 147, 217-18, 235, 251-2
    Dickens, Charles, 453-4
    Dickson, James, 214, 220
    Dictionnaire des Athées, 198
    Diderot, Denis: Supplement to the Voyage of Bougainville, 46n
    Diodati, Villa, Lake Geneva, 327, 457
    Djerassi, Carl, 429n; Oxygen (play), 373n
    Dolland, John, 79; achromatic telescope, 78
    Dolland, Peter, 78
    Dollfus, Audoin: Pilâtre de Rozier, 153-4n
    Dolphin (ship), 3, 17, 30
    Dootah (Tahitian chieftain), 23-4, 28-9
    Dorset, John Frederick Sackville, 3rd Duke of, 134, 152
    double stars, 87, 90 & n, 95
    Dublin: Sadlers’ balloon flights from, 156, 158; Davy lectures in, 304, 340
    Dudley, John William Ward, 1st Earl of, 347, 412
    Durham, Bishop of see Barrington, Shute
    Dwyer, Patrick, 257-8
    Dyer, Susan, 149, 154-5 & n
    earth, age of see Creation
    Eddington, Sir Arthur Stanley, 360
    Edgeworth, Lovell, 265
    Edgeworth, Maria, 264, 281, 291, 350
    Edinburgh Review, 299, 317, 369, 435
    Edwards, Bryan, 212, 221, 232
    Einstein, Albert: General Theory of Relativity, 360; images, 465n
    electricity: experiments in, 245; Davy’s interest in, 273-4; Davy lectures on, 295-6; and Vitalism theory, 309-10, 312, 314, 317, 428; animal, 431-3; Faraday’s researches into, 444, 453-4; John Herschel on, 444
    electro-chemical analysis, 298
    Elizabeth, Princess, 111
    Encke, Johann, 193
    Endeavour, HMS: voyage, xvi, 1, 3, 5, 9-11, 13; deaths, 13-14, 40; and Tahitian thieving, 16; leaves Tahiti, 35; continues voyage to New Zealand and Australia, 38; health and condition of crew, 39; official account of voyage (by Hawkesworth), 44; Banks’s pride in voyage, 57
    Enfield, William: History of Philosophy, 243
    Englefield, Sir Harry, 189
    English Channel: balloon crossings, 148, 153
    Epictetus, 73
    Estrées, Louis César le Tellier de Louvois, Marshal d’, 69
    ether, 284
    ‘Eureka moment’, xvii, 94n, 98, 456
    evolution: Darwin’s theory of, 313, 451 & n, 461; Coleridge on, 322-3; Davy on, 455
    Examiner (journal), 353
    extraterrestrial life: speculations on, 91-2, 167, 199, 209, 357, 426
    Fabricius, Johann, 49
    Fadiman, Anne: ‘Collecting Nature’, 49n
    Fara, Patricia: Newton: The Making of a Genius, xviiin
    Faraday, Michael: electro-chemical experiments, 298n; appointed laboratory assistant at Royal Institution, 348-9; attends Davy’s lectures, 349; accompanies Davy and Jane on Continental tour, 352-7, 370; character and appearance, 352, 358; letters to Abbott, 352, 354, 357-8; religious beliefs, 352, 450, 452; and Davy’s claiming priority in analysis of iodine, 354; lectures and discourses, 358, 453-4; promoted at Royal Institution, 358; assists in Davy’s development of miners’ safety lamp, 363-6, 373; and Davy’s absence in Durham, 363; belief in scientific knowledge, 371; unrewarded by Royal Society, 394; and Davy’s candidacy for presidency of Royal Society, 398; Davy blackballs Fellowship of Royal Society, 401; marriage, 401; eventual election as Fellow of Royal Society, 402; injured in laboratory explosion, 402-3; bust at new British Library, 404n; appointed Director of Royal Institution, 405; as Athenaeum club secretary, 405; Davy abandons as protégé, 418; and Davy’s Consolations in Travel, 430; declines to stand for Royal Society President, 436; not recognised, 438; and Babbage’s polemic on scientists, 440; researches into electro-magnetism, 444, 453; congratulates John Herschel on Study of Natural Philosophy, 445; attends British Association meetings, 447; friendship with Coleridge, 448; achievements and appointments, 453, 468; The Times misspells name, 453; Mary Somerville writes on,

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