The Unknown Billionaire (Captured by Love Book 6)
they’d always wanted.”
    “It’s a beautiful house. Very solid bones and full of character and warmth,” he said, admiring the detailing on the cornices.
    “Yeah. I even stayed until I was twenty-one before I moved out, when my parents bought me my current place. In the beginning, I felt like coming back here was coming home. But working on the renovations at my place for two long years finally made me feel like my house is my home.”
    Jarryd looked at her in surprise. “It took two years to renovate your place?”
    “Because I wanted the salary I earned to pay for the renovations, not the money that came from the family trust fund. So I had my place done up little by little, as I was able to afford it.”
    He smiled at her, more than impressed. Marilyn could have grown up a spoiled brat, being an only daughter of ultra-wealthy parents who were quite obviously supportive. But she hadn’t.
    “What?” Marilyn asked with a laugh as he continued to stare.
    He pulled her to him. “You’re so special,” he murmured.
    She snickered. “Why? Because I used money that was a product of my hard work to pay for my home renovations? I don’t think that makes me special. You’ll find millions of others doing that around the world. Heck, I didn’t even buy my own house, so you could say I’m less than impressive.”
    “You know what I mean.”
    She shrugged. “I’ve learnt long ago that being wealthy has its own set of drawbacks. Sometimes they can be extreme. There are people who never bother to get to know me, and only see me for who my parents are, not for who I am. Either they put me down, believing I’m just another rich bitch who’d thumb my nose at them, or they put me on a pedestal, thinking knowing me is the best thing for their careers, social life, or whatnot. I’m not saying that to complain, because I know how blessed I am—how lucky. All I’m saying is as far as I’m concerned, whoever we are, we all have challenges and blessings—just in varied areas of our lives. Some people have big issues with money, but they’re lucky in love. Some have health problems, but they’re rich with support from friends and family. Others are estranged from their loved ones, but are setting the world on fire with their careers. What I’m trying to say is we all hurt and rejoice, just for different reasons. In that sense, we’re really all equals.”
    Jarryd gawked at her, touched by her words.
    He was trying to tell her she was special to him . But was this her way of saying she didn’t care that he was a guy of average means while she came from a rich family? That she saw him as nothing less than her equal?
    That was so sweet, but he didn’t want to discuss financial status right now. The time wasn’t right. He’d have to outright lie if they did. “You haven’t shown me your old bedroom yet,” he said to change the subject.
    Marilyn grinned. “This way.”
    He followed her to the room at the far end of the hallway. Marilyn opened the door and he was greeted with furnishings similar to the ones she had at her place—which instantly reminded him of what they’d done in her bed before they’d come here. “How many times do you stay here overnight?”
    “Not very often. Usually only when we have parties here and I don’t feel like driving home after having too much to drink.” Marilyn ran her hand on the bedspread in a smoothing gesture.
    Jarryd’s cock stirred. Marilyn and her bed. He knew what he’d prefer to do with both right here, right now, but it wasn’t possible. Still, he couldn’t help but tease at the very least. “Would be nice for us to try that bed,” he murmured, looking at her lasciviously.
    Marilyn’s eyes widened. “Now?”
    “I didn’t have a particular time in mind, but since you’ve said the word now ...” He pulled her flush against him.
    Marilyn gasped. “Dinner is almost ready. They’d look for us if we’re gone for longer than expected.”
    “We still have

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