contemplat ed whether to say fuck it and end the stand-off by putting a bullet to Nicky’s head or leave . Every muscle c onstricted . H ad the men glimpsed the rage inside his brain they’d scatter for their lives.
    “Hey, Nico take care of yourself . We had a lot of good times until you blew it. One day we’ll meet and share a drink with Lucifer !”
    Nico’s fingers slackened and eased from the trigger . The tension ebbed and the murderous thought dissolved . The old man was doing his job, he’d reserve his bullet, today. He got in the car, slammed the door and sped off. When he reached a safe distance he steered to the side of the road . He didn’t notice the beautiful trees or the tropical paradise. He was in an ugly place where loveliness did not exist. He pound his fist to the steering wheel , “Sonovabitch!”
    He kicked open the door , got out and pointed his chin to the sun. H e promised Selange he’d visit. He’d flown from New York to surprise her and the kids . Maybe, h e should’ve called to give her notice. “Stupid…stupid…stupid ! ” Of course Alfonzo gave the order. E ven after their divorce he wasn’t going to let Nico have her. The bastard . The c old, heartless , little shit!
    Nico closed his eyes; he considered beating the crap out of the asshole. Then, he sighed. Alfonzo ’s blood , his cousin in fact and despite his fur y, he’d find another way to handle it. He did love the man once. His laugh was part disbelief and frustration. The little shit turned into a true mafia kingpin didn’t he? Not long ago, Nico was saving his ass from street brawls to close calls with gangbangers out in New York . He watched over that kid like a dog from hell. The crap he went through in those five years would amaze anybody if he told. Nico crouched under the weight of love and hate, thinking how a stone-cold killer finally was dropped to his knees by a little shit and a n innocent young woman .
    Merda , w ho would’ve thunk it?
    Selange smiled at the sound of Maria’s voice. Although, Selange was no longer married to her son , Maria hadn’t faltered in the support ive grandmother role. She call ed often and confessed her dismay about the break-up then said it didn’t change her feelings about Selange, she’d always love her. This warmed Selange’s heart . Perhaps , she expected Maria to hate her , but the woman made no judgments, simply continued to love her unconditionally and that’s what made the entire ordeal less gut-wrenching .
    The tears weren’t coming as frequently and the pain of loss became tolerable. She could live with it now. It still hurt but at least she was functioning again. The few days after sign ing the divorce papers she’d been a wreck, an inconsolable heap of a mess. Her eyes were always red, she had to force herself to eat for the babies’ sake and she refused to talk to anybody, even Shanda. Her life changed from a beautiful masterpiece to an abstract nightmare . Yes, it got that bad. Alfonzo shut the door on any possibility of reconciliation by filing.
    It was really hard to accept, but then it started getting better. Her mind soon acknowledged she and Alfonzo were in the midst of divorce. Then when the final divorce decree came, she had tangible proof. The marriage was over , but her life wasn’t. She had begun to put her life back on track, until the nasty altercation with Alfonzo the other night . She regret saying some things, but she guessed they had to be said. She needed closure. Alfonzo wasn’t the only one angry , you know .
    Maria was talking, “I’m coming soon . The babies must be a handful. I’ ll be there to help.”
    “ Y ou don’t have to do that,

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