    “But I want to. No arguments. Okay, hablamos luego , bye!”
    “Okay, bye.” Selange replied. Guess it was settled, Maria was flying here and there was nothing she could do about it.
    The doorbell chimed and she sat her cell down just as Alfonzo entered. He still had a key . However, he always rang the doorbell to announce his presence. She wasn’t accustomed to this new life of a divorcee. F our months later and she hadn’t sh ed her old ways , apparently Alfonzo had.
    “Hi, I’m here for los ninos .” He said civilly when he saw her there.
    The yoga mat was out and he guessed she’d finished her little contortion exercises and decided to take a break.
    “It’s seven in the morning and they ’re not awake, yet.”
    Alfonzo grimaced. Yeah, he’d come earlier than usual because he had a fitful sleep. He figured what the hell, he’d get an early start on the day and came by.
    Selange noticed his disappoint ment. It was awkward silence between them and s he spoke first. “Listen, about the other night. I didn’t mean to rail on you like that.”
    “Forget it.”
    “I just want to apologize. You were right. I shouldn’t have brought the gun and…”
    “I said forget it.”
    “I’m trying to apologize here.”
    “For what, speaking your mind? Selange, I can handle it. Don’t lose sleep over it. You can’t hold your liquor for shit though , you never could . ”
    She nodded, “ Fine .”
    H e spotted the unmistakable large red bag with the purple stripes sitting beside the couch, “You were in New York recently?”
    “No, they’re gifts.” She leapt from the sofa and her shapely butt moved like a pendulum, swaying from side to side with smooth grace in a pair of Lycra shorts . He tried not to ogle but his eyes were on auto pilot.
    “I made coffee, want some?” She asked trying to break the ice.
    “Thanks.” He took a few steps and peered inside. Stuffed animals in blue and pink atop other toys . His brows furrowed. “People are still sending gifts for the babies?”
    Selange, took his favorite cup out of the cabinet . The one with his name on it that Sal gave him for his birthday , “ Sort of , y our mom does all the time but th ose are from Nico.”
    Alfonzo’s lip curled in distaste. So, the fucker sent presents, how nice. He wondered if she were seeing him on the side. If she were they must meet in private because Nico was banned from the property. Yes, he’d given her the house but was damned if that bastard and his ex-wife were going to have sex under the same roof as his children , again . I f they were hooking up, he wondered why none of the bodyguards mentioned it, then again Selange was slick. If she duped him before , heck fooling the guards was a breeze.
    She attempted to change the subject, “So, ho w are you doing?”
    “I’m okay, y tú ?” He saw she was trying and decided he’d do the same. He walked into the kitchen as she poured the fresh brew in his cup and waited .
    She frowned, Angelina was colicky, waking up three and four times during the night and s he had no one to complain to . She felt exhausted and overwhelmed at times. With Sal and Aldonza, Alfonzo was there doing his part and this time around she was doing it al one . A single mother and a lonely woman. Ugh, she would never share these thoughts with Alfonzo, he’d probably gloat. After-all, she’d made the decision and now she must live with her choice –and frankly, she wouldn’t change it. She loved Angelina and Vincent. Losing Alfonzo, well that was her sacrifice. She turned and gave him the cup. Hiring another domestic worker did allow Anita to help out with the children more , it was a life-saver. She had her ex-husband of all people to thank for this. “ Better. T hanks for the extra help.”
    “You’re welcome.” He took a sip of coffee , “Um –damn I needed that!”
    “Late nights?” She asked, leaning against the counter.
    “You can say that.” He took another sip to avoid

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