Privilege  4 - Sweet Deceit

Free Privilege 4 - Sweet Deceit by Kate Brian

Book: Privilege 4 - Sweet Deceit by Kate Brian Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kate Brian
sounded to end the breakfast period, Palmer smiled before loping off--which made Ariana feel better. He wouldn't have smiled if he'd been too upset. She took a deep breath to calm her nervous, excited heart, and walked back to the table to grab her coat and bag.

    "What was that all about?" Kaitlynn asked suspiciously as Ariana pushed her arm into the sleeve of her leather jacket.

    "Nothing," Ariana said. "He actually just wanted to congratulate us on the prank," she added quickly. "He said we're shoo-ins."

    "Really," Kaitlynn said skeptically, narrowing her eyes. "Then why didn't he tell us both?"

    "I don't know," Ariana said, lifting the strap of her bag onto her shoulder. "Maybe because he and I have been friends longer?"

    "That's crap, Ana," Kaitlynn said as they walked away from the table. "There's something you're not telling me and we both know it."

    "Lily," Ariana said. "There's not. I swear."

    "Uh-huh," Kaitlynn replied, her expression sour as she looked Ariana up and down. "So much for all this talk about being friends."

    Then she turned on her heel and stormed away. Ariana heaved a sigh and followed her toward the door, her giddy sense of victory all but evaporating. Sometimes dealing with a paranoid psychopath was hard work. PRETENDING

    "What was your best Halloween costume ever?" Maria asked, glancing over her shoulder at Ariana as they walked into the Hill with Lexa and Soomie that evening.

    "I don't know . . . one year when I was little I dressed up as Fancy Nancy," Ariana said with a shrug.

    "Like from the children's books?" Lexa exclaimed. "That's so cute! You should do that this year."

    Ariana gave her a cautious smile. After the episode with Palmer in the dining hall that morning, she had expected the cold shoulder from Lexa. Had she somehow imagined Lexa's suspicion and jealousy? Would Lexa actually be fine if she found out about Ariana and Palmer's relationship?

    "Um, I think we're a little old to be going as Fancy Nancy," Soomie said moodily, tugging her black scarf from around her neck as they crossed the room.

    Ariana, Maria, and Lexa exchanged looks. Ariana knew that all of them were still sad, but while the others were trying to move on, act normal, cheer up, Soomie just couldn't seem to snap out of her depression.

    "Right. Because Raggedy Ann is so much more sophisticated," Maria joked, clearly trying to keep the mood light as they joined the line at the coffee counter. The other girls fell in behind her. Every one of them knew that when it came to coffee, Maria went first.

    "Whatever," Soomie sniffed, checking her BlackBerry.

    Another look darted between Maria and Lexa.

    "Last year Soomie and Brigit went as Raggedy Ann and Andy," Maria explained to Ariana. Soomie scoffed, like she didn't want to hear it. "What?" Maria pressed on. "It was hilarious with the big red noses and the red yarn wigs and the red-and-white striped tights."

    "I only did that because it was Brigit's favorite toy as a kid," Soomie explained flatly. "This year was supposed to be my turn to pick a costume. We were going to be Batgirl and Robin. The costumes just came in the mail yesterday."

    Ariana's stomach dropped. So that explained Soomie's new wave of melancholy.

    "Well, at least you can still be Batgirl," Ariana suggested tentatively.

    "You can't be serious," Soomie snapped. "You really think I'm going to wear that now?"

    Ariana's throat prickled. "Sorry, I just--"

    "Whatever," Soomie said, closing her eyes for a moment. She took a deep breath and looked Ariana in the eye. " I'm sorry. I just . . . I guess I'm not feeling very comic booky these days."

    Ariana swallowed hard as the line inched forward. Maria looked down at her boots for a moment before flicking her long brown hair back and trying again.

    "So . . . what're you going to be?" she asked Soomie.

    "I don't know. I'm thinking something gothic," Soomie said.

    "But Batgirl is gothic," Lexa said.

    "No. I'm talking seriously gothic," Soomie

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