Fragile Truths

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Book: Fragile Truths by D. H. Sidebottom, R. M. James Read Free Book Online
Authors: D. H. Sidebottom, R. M. James
“Um, didn’t you take your advance driving course when you joined the police force?”
    “Piss off, Fran.”
    “No wonder they dragged you in for your dismal arrest rate lately, you probably struggled to keep up with them.”
    “I swear you’re talking yourself out of lunch.” He muttered as he strode further ahead.
    Caroline was chuckling to herself as she sped up to catch up with him. “Oh come on Harry, I think it’s rather sweet that you let your daughter win.” I snorted as she made a hand gesture behind her back to me, miming a fishing action as she reeled him in.
    “Yes,” he nodded firmly as he smiled enthusiastically at her. “I didn’t want to embarrass her in front of you, sweetheart, what with it being the first time you two met.”
    She nodded respectfully as he slipped his hand into hers and I smiled. I was glad for him. He hadn’t even looked at another woman since my mother passed and I had begun to give up on him ever finding love again but I liked Caroline; she was very pretty, fun and my super powers, as Mags often referred to my ability to read people, told me she was genuine and dependable.
    “Come on, Pudding.” My Dad shouted over his shoulder, “Let’s fill that extra wide ass of yours with some food.”
    “It’s hereditary you old sod,” I scowled haughtily.

    I traced the photo on her driving license with my fingertip, smirking at the name change from Belling to Wilde, she was definitely that. I closed my eyes and sighed. What the fuck had I done?
    I hadn’t wanted it to be like that but I’d sensed her need and my ego had stepped up to give her the ride of her life. I had wanted her to feel good, feel sexy and beautiful and I’d sensed that she’d needed that; I’d also felt that she craved the hard fuck, the rush of pain and that had surprised me but I’d made sure I’d given it her. I’d actually wanted to please her. Me – Tate Nardini – had for once thought about a woman’s pleasure more than my own.
     As soon as I’d sunk inside her warm delicious pussy, a pussy that had been so exquisite I’d wanted to blow as soon as I was fully sheathed inside her, I had felt the shudder of carnality ripple through her. She had been tight, hot and fucking amazing, just as I’d expected her to be.
    I was angry with myself now though. All the years I’d stood in the background and watched her, guarded her like some sad disturbed stalker and forced myself to stay away, and all it had taken was a simple flutter of her eyelashes and a small piece of attention and I was falling at her feet – literally.
    I think I had frightened her when I had knelt before and practically idolised her but I saw the flash of something in her eyes as I had looked up at her; recognition, or at the very least a glimpse of something familiar.
    She hadn’t a clue who I was and I wasn’t sure if that aggrieved me or comforted me.
    “Hey,” Bella grinned at me as she dropped down beside me on the sofa. “You okay? You look a little… contemplative.”
    I quirked a brow at my sister’s pretty face and smirked, “Get you with the long words. I gather you’re enjoying college?”
    “Very much,” she disclosed with a bright smile, one that also pained me as it was a replica for her brother’s, as were her sparkling blue eyes. She leant into me and rested her head on my shoulder. “Tate, can I ask you something?”
    I frowned, “Sure.”
    She was silent for a moment then took a deep breath. “When are you going to actually swallow that damn pride of yours and ask her out?”
    I frowned deeper and reared back so I could see her face. She lifted her eyes to me then dropped them and gestured towards the driving license in my fingers. Shit, I hadn’t even realised I still had hold of it. “What? This is just something that was left in the club last night.”
    She snorted then sighed. “Do you want me to introduce you to her? She’s very nice.”
    “What! You know

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