Camp Fear Ghouls

Free Camp Fear Ghouls by R.L. Stine

Book: Camp Fear Ghouls by R.L. Stine Read Free Book Online
Authors: R.L. Stine
at the Camp Fear Ghouls. They stood in a line, watching us.
    â€œWe have to swim it,” I whispered back. “If we don’t, we join them.”
    â€œLet’s get this over with,” Amy growled.
    The ghouls moved toward us. With their rotting hands, they shoved us forward.
    Caroline and I stumbled waist deep into the pitch-black water.
    I gasped. “It’s so c-c-cold!”
    â€œOh!” Caroline moaned. “This is terrible!”
    â€œWe have to g-g-go,” I cried through chattering teeth. “Have to s-swim t-to the other s-side.”
    Don’t think about the cold, I ordered myself. Just swim!
    I raised my hand over my head to take my first stroke.
    What was that?
    Something brushed my leg.
    I spun in a circle, frantically treading water.
    â€œLizzy? What’s the matter?” Caroline cried.
    â€œSomething touched me,” I gasped, trying to see into the lake’s murky depths.
    There! I felt it again. Something brushing up against me.
    â€œCaroline!” I yelled, thrashing my legs as hard as I could. “Something’s in the lake!”
    I jerked right. Then left. Trying to peer into the water.
    I felt something wind around my ankle. Pulling me down into the water. “Help!” I screamed.
    â€œWhat is it?” Caroline wailed.
    â€œI don’t know! I can’t see anything!”
    Desperately, I kicked—and freed my leg from whatever held it.
    Then I took off for the other side.
    Caroline swam right behind me.
    My pulse thudded in my ears. The only other sound I heard was the splash our arms made as we cut through the water.
    We swam as fast as we could—and all of a sudden the opposite shore was in sight. Yes!
    Just a little ways more, I thought. I swam even faster.
    Then I heard the scream.
    â€œHelp, Lizzy!” Caroline cried out. “It’s got me!”
    I whipped my head around.
    Just in time to see Caroline sink under the surface of Fear Lake.


    â€œC aroline!” I screamed.
    The surface of the water was glassy. There was no sign of Caroline anywhere.
    I sucked as much air into my lungs as I could—and dove under the black water!
    I couldn’t see a thing. I swam forward blindly, feeling for Caroline.
    She wasn’t there.
    I turned and swam the other way, swiping at the water in front of me. The cold shot through me.
    Where is she? I wondered frantically. I can’t stay in here much longer. I’ll freeze!
    I reversed direction again, blindly searching. But I couldn’t stay under for another second. My lungs burned. I had to go up for air!
    With a kick, I shot to the surface.
    I sucked in another huge breath, ready to go down again. But then something burst through the surface. Just a few feet away.
    â€œLizzy!” she sputtered. “It’s . . . got . . . me!”
    â€œ What’s got you?” I yelled.
    â€œGet help!” Caroline screamed.
    Then she disappeared under the water again.
    I took off for the shore.
    Get help, I thought. Have to get help.
    My whole body was numb with cold. That’s why I didn’t feel the creature wrapped around my ankle.
    I began to wade ashore—and felt a tug on my leg.
    I glanced down—and saw it.
    A giant, scaly black tentacle, winding its way up my thigh.
    Dragging me back into the water!


    â€œN o!” I cried.
    I shook my leg. The slimy tentacle held on tight, dragging me down. I clawed at the shore. Grasping at sticks. Roots. Anything!
    But it was useless. The more I struggled, the harder the lake monster pulled.
    The tentacle rose higher. Wrapped itself around my waist.
    I could see the creature now. Some sort of hideous octopus. With throbbing veins pulsing against its slimy skin.
    I beat at the tentacle with my fists. Trying to struggle free.
    The creature tightened its grip.
    Three more tentacles shot up from the water. Swaying wildly. Grasping for my body.
    Whack! My flailing hand

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