Figure of Speech (Halle Shifters)
stabilized. We shouldn’t see any more degeneration there, but we’ll continue to monitor it just to be on the safe side.” The doctor put his hand on her knee. “I know this is tough for you, but really, it could have been a great deal worse.”
    Chloe smiled faintly, still staring at her clenched fist. “I know.” And she owed all of that to Julian, who’d saved her life. “Any exercises?”
    “Try and keep your muscle tone. Listen to your body. If it tells you that you’ve pushed too hard, then you have. Continue working with the stress ball for your left hand, and if you notice any problems with your left leg or hip contact me immediately.”
    “Can I drive?”
    He thought about that for a moment. “If you’re experiencing any dizziness from the medications or if your leg starts to have spasms, then no. Honestly, I’d take it day to day. You’re walking well, you’re not having seizures, and you’re not blacking out, so I don’t see why you shouldn’t be able to do whatever you want.”
    She was relieved. Having to rely on her family to get around was beginning to wear on her. “Thanks, Doc.”
    “You’re welcome.” The doctor stood and helped her off the examination table. “I’ll see you again in about six months to reevaluate. If you have any trouble with the meds, call me and I’ll see you sooner than that.”
    “Okay.” Chloe picked up her purse, ready to join Glory in the waiting room.
    The doctor waved as he left, and Chloe followed, going left into the waiting room. “Hey, all done.”
    Glory put down her magazine and stood, her bangles jingling merrily. “How did it go?”
    Chloe shrugged and went to the window where the receptionist sat. “I need an appointment for six months from now, and the doc is printing me out a prescription.” Chloe set up the appointment and took her prescription, thanking the receptionist as they left. “I’ve got some nerve damage that’s affecting my right side.”
    “And the hits just keep on coming,” Glory sighed. “Let me know if there’s anything you need.”
    Chloe hugged her soon-to-be sister-in-law. “Thanks.”
    “We’re family, right?” Glory hugged her back. “Come on. I’m thinking this calls for a burger and a big-ass fudge sundae, am I right?”
    Chloe whined deep in the back of her throat, earning a grin from Glory.
    Glory plucked both her keys and her cell phone from her woven straw purse. “Ryan? Chloe and I are going to Frank’s.” She paused, then laughed. “Yes, I’ll pick you up some pie. What are you boys doing for lunch?” Her eyes rounded, and she laughed. “Well then. Have fun. Bye.”
    “What is my brother cup to?” Chloe settled into the passenger seat of Glory’s small hybrid coupe. The car was quirky-looking yet practical, just like its owner.
    “Minding the store while the parental units visit Jimmy.”
    Chloe blinked, her spider senses tingling. “Oh?”
    “Yup.” Glory pulled out of the parking lot of the doctor’s office and headed toward Main Street and Frank’s. “Uncle Will and Aunt Barb, your mom and dad, Uncle Ray and Aunt Stacey—”
    “Oh, Jeebus.” Chloe put her head in her hands, laughing hysterically as Glory pulled into Frank’s parking lot. “They’re nailing his ass to the wall, aren’t they?”
    Glory nodded gleefully. “Damn straight. And about time too.”
    “Didn’t Alex and Ryan already do that?”
    “Yeah, but rumor has it the rest of the family isn’t satisfied and want to hear it from Jimbo himself.” Glory parked the car and turned it off. “Don’t worry. They won’t hurt him. Much.”
    “Uh-huh.” Chloe and Glory got out of the car and headed into the wonderful, beautiful air conditioning of Frank’s. “Oh my God, it’s like nine bazillion degrees out there.”
    “Wait. You’re not worried about your whole family ganging up on Jim?” Glory slid onto a bench at one of the retro tables. Frank’s was set up like one of those old-time fifties

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