Taking Chances

Free Taking Chances by Amanda Lukacs

Book: Taking Chances by Amanda Lukacs Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amanda Lukacs
so I am going to have some papers drawn up so that I can give a portion of it to him. What do I know about running a business anyway?” She finished her coffee and got up to get the coffee pot and pour herself another cup.
    “Every time I think you can’t get any better you go and do something nice like that. You really are just the sweetest thing. A real one of a kind.” Winking at her he continued to eat his breakfast.
    The couple showered together, making love slowly under the hot spray of the water, making sure to take the time to explore and learn every inch of each other’s body.
    Chapter eleven
    The lovers fell into a routine, s pending some nights at Jenna’s home and some at Tyler’s. They would have breakfast together and discuss their plans for the day. He would go to the office and she would either do housework or go to her studio. They made dinner together, walked Oscar together and cuddled on the couch reading or watching TV and every night they would sleep in each other’s arms.
    Jenna felt safe with Tyler. Her anxiety only made an appearance as she got ready for their weekend in Atlantic City. She packed with trembling hands and found herself growing more flustered as the departure time arrived. Tyler held her hand the whole way to South New Jersey, reassuring her and telling her some of the things she can expect since she has never been there.
    “ I won’t leave your side I promise. If you feel the littlest bit uncomfortable let me know and we can head straight up to the room and relax.” Kissing her neck he added. “Or we could go up to the room and not relax.”
    The trip down was so nice he made her feel so at ease she actually dosed off cuddled into his side. When they were just about to enter Atlantic City he woke her with a kiss on top of her head.
    “Jen baby wake up. Look at the city. That casino over there that’s the one we will be staying at. When we get there we will have about 2 hours before the show and I have arranged for you to go get your hair done or get a manicure, anything you want.” He entwined his fingers with hers and kissed the back of her hand as they drove up to the casino.
    Two hours later Jenna and Tyler stood back stage at the concert. Tyler was wearing a pair of jeans with a white tee shirt and a black blazer. Jenna was wearing a pair of black leggings and a pink form fitting tee shirt with the bands logo on it and her favorite red high heels. She was luminous she had gotten her hair done, it was done in a nice French braid and she had also had her nails done.
    Tyler couldn’t keep his eyes off her. She was clapping and smiling and dancing to the music and singing along.
    Every time the one guitarist would come off stage to change guitars he would wink at her and smile. Tyler wasn’t too fond of that but he was happy to see her having fun. He knew that this trip was a first for her and it was a big step for her to do something like this.
    After the second encore they went back to meet the band. She was absolutely giddy.
    “Oh my god! I can’t believe you arranged this! I can’t believe I get to meet the band. I have been a fan of theirs since I was 13 years old.” Stopping in her tracks on their way back she grabbed him by the lapels of his jack and pulled him close whispering against his lips. “ You are so getting lucky tonight.” Kissing him passionately they then went to the designated room.
    The band members were so nice. The guitarist who was winking at her during the show gave her a hug and was talking to her. Although when Tyler came over and put his arm around her he did back off. They all signed her shirt and posed for pictures.The whole way back up to the penthouse she gushed about how much fun she had.
    “I can’t thank you enough. I mean not only did you make me feel safe enough to let loose and have fun so far from

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