Because He Torments Me

Free Because He Torments Me by Hannah Ford

Book: Because He Torments Me by Hannah Ford Read Free Book Online
Authors: Hannah Ford
belt against my open pussy.
    I gasped.
    “Tell me you’re mine.”
    “I’m yours.”
    “Tell me I own you.”
    “You own me.”
    “Do you want to please me, Adriana?”
    “Yes, sir.”
    He flicked the belt against my pussy again, the
hot sting sending vibrations of ecstasy zinging through my body.   “Do you think it pleased me to see you
with someone else?”
    “No, sir.”
    He leaned over, his breath hot on my open
pussy, and he stroked my thighs, his thumbs spreading my folds.   And then, without warning, he was eating
me, his tongue sliding inside of me, over and over again, his mouth taking me.
    He tongue fucked me with smooth, strong
strokes, and he sucked my clit into his mouth, teasing the hard nub.
    I needed to come.
    I was going to come, but I was afraid if I told
him, he wouldn’t let me.
    So I stayed quiet, but it was no use.
    He knew I was close.
    But somehow, mercifully, he decided to put me
out of my misery, his mouth moving faster, the stubble on his cheeks moving over
the soft skin of my thighs as my orgasm overwhelmed my body.
    Wave after wave of pleasure took me, his mouth
and fingers and lips working together to intensify the shocking bliss.
    I hadn’t even caught my breath before he was
kneeling in front of me, his dick on my pussy, the head throbbing as he pushed
it against my clit.
    I’d barely finished coming and yet I could feel
a new wetness starting down there, and I arched my back and tried to push into
    “No,” he said, and pushed my hip down onto the
bed, holding me there tightly.    He grinned at me with that amused,
cocky look of his, and I whimpered.
    “I can’t fuck you, baby,” he said, his gaze
sliding over my naked body.   “But,
fuck, I want to.”
    “Please,” I begged.   “Please, Mr. Wilder… please, sir, I want
you to.”
    He shook his head.   “I can’t, baby.”   He held my hip down with one hand, his
grip so tight and strong that it rendered me immobile.   I loved how easily he handled my body,
how with just one hand he could take me, render me completely helpless.
    I needed him inside of me so bad, felt like I
would explode if he didn’t fuck me.  
    With this other hand he spread my pussy,
rocking his hips so that his hard dick moved over my slick folds, the thick
shaft pushing me open, his swollen head hitting my clit.
    “God, I want to,” he said.   “Your cunt’s so wet for me, that clit is
throbbing, Lemon.”   His tone was
still that teasing tone he used on me when he was trying to drive me crazy, but
his features had darkened, his eyes hooded with intensity.
    “Please, Cal – sir,” I said, attempting
to writhe on the bed.
    But he held me still with his hand, pinning me
    He pushed the head of his cock against my core,
and his breathing quickened, his shoulder muscles flexing as he moved over me.
    “Please,” I said again. “I’m yours.   I’ll do anything you want.”
    “Fuck,” he said.   “I can’t.”   He shook his head, but I heard the
resolve slipping from his voice as he began to lose his grip on his control.
    Our eyes locked, his body poised over mine.
    “Callum,” I whispered.   “Please.   I want to feel you inside of me.   I need you.”
    He groaned and then with one hard stroke entered
me.   The relief was instant and
intense, his girth filling me, stretching me, and the ache I’d felt for him dissipated
for a moment and then roared back to life stronger than ever as he pushed
harder inside of me.
    He tilted his hips, getting a better angle on
me, and that, coupled with the fact that my knees were still bent and my ankles
still cuffed, rocked swells of pleasure through my entire body.
    “Callum,” I moaned, and he silenced me with a
kiss, his tongue invading my mouth as his cock made me his.
    He fucked me long and slow while he kissed me
senseless, then he reached behind me and let me out of the handcuffs.
    “If you move,” he growled.   “I will lock you back up.   Do you

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