When eight bells toll

Free When eight bells toll by Alistair MacLean

Book: When eight bells toll by Alistair MacLean Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alistair MacLean
he'd finished, he'd be calling me before he'd even started. But I couldn't tell him. Word gets around. I went down to the saloon, contemplated a shave and decided against it. It wouldn't take that long,It didn't. He appeared at the saloon door inside a minute, his face grim.
    "Your radio is out of order, Mr. Petersen."
    "They're tricky to operates some of those older fobs," I said tactfully. "Maybe if I------"
    "I say it's out of order. I mean if a out of order."
    "Damned odd.  It was working------"
    "Would you care to try it, please?"
    I tried it. Nothing. I twiddled everything I could lay hands on. Nothing.
    "A power failure, perhaps," I suggested.  "I'll check------"
    "Would you be so good as to remove the face-plate, please?"
    I stared at him in perplexity, switching the expression, after a suitable interval, to shrewd thoughtfulness. "What do you know, Sir Anthony, that I don't?"
    "You'll find out."
    So I found out and went through all the proper motions of consternation, incredulity and tight-lipped indignation. Finally I said: "You knew. How did you know?"
    "Obvious, isn't it?"
    "Your transmitter," I said slowly. "It's more than just out order. You had the same midnight caller."
    "And the Orion." The mouth vanished again. "The big blue ketch lying close in. Only other craft in the harbour apart from us with a radio transmitter. Smashed. Just come from there,"
    "Smashed? Theirs as well? But who in God's name - it must be the work of a madman."
    "Is it? Is it the work of a madman? I know something of those matters. My first wife------"He broke off abruptly and gave an odd shake of the head, then went on slowly: "The mentally disturbed are irrational, haphazard, purposeless, aimless in their behaviour patterns. This seems an entirely irrational act, but an act with a method and a purpose to it. Not haphazard. It's planned. There's a reason. At first I thought the reason was to cut off my connection with the mainland. But it can't be that. By rendering me temporarily incommunicado nobody stands to gain, I don't stand to lose."
    "But you said the New York Stock------"
    "A bagatelle," he said contemptuously. "Nobody likes to lose money." Not more than a few millions anyway. "No, Mr. Petersen, I am not the target. We have here an A and a B. A regards it as vital that he remains in constant communication with the mainland. B regards it as vital that A doesn't. So B takes steps. There's something damned funny going on in Torbay. And something big. I have a nose for such things."
    He was no fool but then not many morons have ended up as multi-millionaires. I couldn't have put it better myself. I said: "Reported this to the police yet?"
    "Going there now. After I've made a phone call or two," The eyes suddenly became bleak and cold, "Unless our friend has smashed up the two public call boxes in the main street."
    "He's done better than that. He's brought down the lines to the mainland. Somewhere down the Sound. No one knows where."
    He stared at me, wheeled to leave, then turned, his face empty of expression. "How did you know that?" The tone matched the face.
    "Police told me. They were aboard with the customs last night."
    "The police? That's damned odd. What were the police doing here?" He paused and looked at me with his cold measuring eyes. "A personal question, Mr. Petersen. No impertinence intended. A question of elimination. What are you doing here? No offence."
    "No offence. My friend and I are marine biologists. A working trip. Not our boat - the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries." I smiled. "We have impeccable references, Sir Anthony."
    "Marine biology, eh? Hobby of mine, you might say. Layman, of course. Must have a talk sometime." He was speaking absent-mindedly, his thoughts elsewhere. "Could you describe the policeman, Mr. Petersen?"
    I did and he nodded. "That's him all right. Odd, very odd. Must have a word with Archie about this."
    "Sergeant MacDonald. This is my fifth consecutive season's

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