The Resurrection of Josephine

Free The Resurrection of Josephine by Melinda Barron

Book: The Resurrection of Josephine by Melinda Barron Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melinda Barron
she was dying, and this was her way to right something she thought she'd done wrong, and keep anyone else from being hurt."
    Noah stepped up on Rumer's other side. “Is she really gone? Josephine?"
    "Yes.” Martin looked around the cemetery, where a few spirits still lingered. “I need to try and help the souls she's displaced."
    Rumer put her hand on his arm, looking into his eyes. “Will it hurt you?"
    "It might drain me a little, but I can't leave them."
    "Then we'll stay with you,” Noah said. “Cause that's what lovers do."
    Martin kissed them both gently, letting his lips linger on theirs, savoring the feel of their hands on his hips and back as the three of them hugged.
    Then he stepped back and turned to Sandra. “Thank you. From the bottom of our hearts. You and your sister need to go, now. Make up for lost time, and don't be a stranger."
    When she was gone, he sighed heavily, then walked toward the first spirit who showed him any recognition. It promised to be a long night.
    He'd only taken a few steps when he stopped, the presence of Rumer and Noah giving him a surge of energy. Usually, a challenge like the one standing before him would be daunting. He knew it would exhaust him. But tonight, instead of seeking solace after his work, he would hold out his arms, and Noah and Rumer would be there.
    That gave him a sense of belonging and of power that he'd never felt before.
    He turned to them and held out a hand, love filling his heart as they both gaze at him. “Come with me."
    And so they did.
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About the Author
    Melinda Barron loves to explore Egyptian tombs and temples, discover Mayan ruins, play in castles towers, and explore new cities and countries. She generally does it all from the comfort of her home by opening a book.
    Melinda is the fourth of five children born to an Army officer and his wife. A longtime newspaper journalist, Melinda has loved to read and write from an early age. Now she lives in the Texas Panhandle with two cats, Amelia and Pippin, and enough books to, according to her brother, open her own library. In addition to reading and writing Melinda enjoys travel, cross-stitching, watching movies and spending time with her friends and family.
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