I Spy a Wicked Sin
shimmied out of her bikini bottoms while Liam took her place in the lounger. He sprawled on his back, feet flat on the concrete on either side of the chair, lips curved into a fetching smile.
    “Come up here before my balls turn blue.”
    “Poor man.”
    She crawled on top of him, straddling his hips, and positioned the blunt head against her opening. He hadn’t even played with her pussy, yet she was wet with arousal, burning to have him inside. Slowly, she sank onto his cock, moaning as he stretched and filled her. Lower, until his balls were nestled against her ass and they were connected as intimately as two people could be.
    “Oh, yes,” he muttered, thrusting upward. His fingers dug into her thighs. “God, fuck me, baby.”
    Hands splayed on his taut stomach, she began to move, up to the tip, then down again. Drawing every sensation out like pulling a wire tight, heightening the pleasure. Over and over she impaled herself on him, drinking in the ecstasy on his beautiful face, her own desire building. Spiraling from her womb outward, making her shake.
    “Faster. Fuck me harder.” He began to pump forcefully to her downstrokes, leading them in perfect rhythm.
    “Yes! Give me your cock. . . . Give it to me hard!”
    She bounced on his lap in wild abandon, Liam slamming into her, driving them closer, higher. . . .
    Her orgasm exploded into a million shards of brilliant light. “Oh, God! Yes!”
    As she rode the waves, he thrust once, twice, and stiffened with a shout. He jerked inside her for several moments, whispering things like “baby” and “fuck, yeah,” until he lay still, the only movement his chest, his breath sawing in and out of his lungs.
    “Holy shit, you drained me. I don’t think I’ll be able to come again until sometime next week.” His eyes fluttered open and he peered at her from under those killer lashes. “Was I too rough?”
    Sprawling on his chest, she brushed his lips with a brief kiss. “You were awesome.”
    “Good enough to warrant a repeat performance?” Suddenly he seemed unsure, and she found his hesitance touching. “I’d say the chances are better than good.”
    The furrow between his brows disappeared and he smiled. “I really like you, Lily. I don’t play with a person if I don’t feel a connection. I thought you should know that.”
    A lump formed in her throat. “I really like you, too.” That made having to deceive this man even more difficult.
    “Is something wrong?”
    “Not at all. I was just wondering if you’d take a swim with me.”
    “It’s a plan. Let’s go!”
    She climbed off him and he discarded the condom, hiding it on his chair under the edge of his towel to toss out later. Grabbing her hand, he tugged her toward the pool.
    “No suits?” she asked.
    “Who needs them? We have total privacy and even if someone dropped by . . . well, our crowd isn’t exactly on the prude side.”
    “Good point.”
    He took off at a dead run for the deep end, not letting go of her hand. She squealed as they jumped together, hitting the water in a noisy cannonball, and thought, I could get used to this.
    Not good, Lily.
    Not good at all.
    Jude froze half in and half out of the patio door, the sounds of fucking, the cries of pleasure, ringing in his ears long after they faded. His heart clenched, a wave of loneliness sweeping over him despite his efforts to stave it off.
    But not because his closest friend and his sexy new PA were doing what came naturally. No, his views on sex were liberal and would never change. What got to him, for some strange reason, was the joyful noise of the couple splashing and shouting in the pool.
    Ridiculous to let that, of all things, bother him. Especially when he knew without a single doubt they’d welcome him with the same enthusiasm should he join them.
    What the fuck is wrong with me?
    He had no clue. He should strip off his clothing and head out there, have some fun.
    But the longer he remained in place, unnoticed,

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