Dedicated Ink

Free Dedicated Ink by Ranae Rose

Book: Dedicated Ink by Ranae Rose Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ranae Rose
Tags: Romance
“Why didn’t you say anything? I thought he was some creep trying to get you alone in the parking lot!”
    “Things were a little tense between us then. They’re better now.” It was a lame explanation, but all she was willing to reveal. She hadn’t even told her parents that she and Sam hadn’t been a couple when she’d conceived the twins – only Natalie knew. Why bother letting people in on that particular detail when she and Sam were together now? “I was still in shock over my pregnancy; I just wasn’t ready to tell anyone yet.”
    Zoe’s expression belied enduring curiosity, but she didn’t press. “Well, congratulations. On the pregnancy, I mean … and Sam. Wow, he’s hot!” She fanned herself with her napkin, and Abby couldn’t help laughing.
    An intimidating thought cut her mirth short. “If you figured out I was pregnant on your own, I guess it’s time for me to tell everyone else.”
* * * * *
    “Hey Abby, you’re not at work, are you?”
    “No.” Abby spoke into her phone, cradling it in one hand while she flipped through a rack of t-shirts with the other. “Just doing a little maternity clothes shopping before I meet Sam after the end of his shift – we’re going out to dinner.” She owned a couple items already but needed more; she’d exhausted her supply of extra-stretchy non-maternity garments, pushing them to their limits before finally packing them away and heading to the mall.
    “Don’t buy too much – I still have some maternity clothes, and you’re welcome to have them. God, I can’t believe I didn’t think of that before.” A shriek sounded in the background, followed by high-pitched laughter. “Actually, maybe I can – between Ava and Lucas, I can’t hear myself think, most of the time. Anyway, you should stop by sometime soon to pick up the clothes. I have something else I want to show you, too.”
    “What is it?” She plucked a purple top from the rack, wondering if it would fit her all the way through month nine.
    “I finished the story for Book 2.”
    “Really?” Abby forgot all about the shirt she held in one hand.
    “Yeah. It’s hard to get anything done around here, but I’ve been working like crazy when Ava and Lucas are down for naps. I finished it yesterday – I feel like I’ve finally got it right.”
    “I can’t wait to read it. I know we worked on the outline together, but you’re so creative that I’m always surprised by the finished story.”
    “I won’t pretend I’m not dying for you to come over and take a look. Make sure you bring the illustrations you’ve been working on – I’ve been looking forward to seeing those ever since we finished Book 1.”
    A thread of guilt wove its way through Abby’s conscience. “Okay, but I’ve been working a lot more slowly than last time. I didn’t mean to take so long, but I’ve been swamped with work lately, and then there’s the pregnancy…” It seemed like a feeble excuse when Natalie had managed to write two entire books in the company of two shrieking children.
    “It’s okay. Just bring what you have; I’m excited to see.”
    “I’ll stop by this evening, if that’s all right with you.”
    “Perfect. And I can show you the list of publishers I’ve put together to query.”
    “You have a list?” Abby nearly dropped the top she held, but reestablished her hold at the last second.
    “I’ve been working on it for months. I think it’s time to get started.”
    Twenty minutes later, Abby left the shop with the purple top and a pair of jeans, her thoughts lingering on the conversation she and Natalie had had.
    Might a publisher really be interested in the books they’d been working on?
    Maybe not, but it was cool to fantasize about, if nothing else.
    Her fantasies took a decidedly different turn when she met Sam at an Italian restaurant.
    “Hey,” she said, climbing out of her car and hurrying to meet him on the sidewalk. “How was work?” Suppressing her

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