Dark Universe

Free Dark Universe by Daniel F. Galouye

Book: Dark Universe by Daniel F. Galouye Read Free Book Online
Authors: Daniel F. Galouye
Tags: SF
resolution when the Prime Survivor entered. "The Guardian just told me you'd heard the sound, son."

    "I hear a lot of things I didn't hear before." The earnest words bathed his father's face and carried back with them the outline of a smile that was warm with approval and pride.

    "I've been waiting for you to speak like this for a long time, Jared. It means I can now go ahead with my plans."

    "This world should have young, vital leadership. It lacked that even _before_ the springs went dry. With this challenge facing us, we need the imagination of a youthful leader all the more."

    "You want me to become Prime Survivor?"

    "As soon as possible. It'll take plenty of preparation. But I'll give you all the help I can."

    A half-dozen periods earlier, Jared would have had no part of this development. But now it seemed only a minor enlargement of the life of dedicated purpose to which he had pledged himself.

    "I don't hear any arguments," the Prime Survivor said gratefully.

    "You won't. Not if this is the way you want it."

    "Good! Over the next couple of periods I'll tell you some of the things that have to be done. Then, when you get back from the Upper Level, we'll start our formal training."

    "How are the Elders going to take this?"

    "After they heard what went on between you and Guardian Philar, they didn't have any objections at all."

    Early the next period--even before the central echo caster had been turned on--Jared was shaken roughly from his sleep.

    "Wake up! Something's happened!"

    It was Elder Averyman. And whatever had happened must have been serious, indeed, for him to have burst into a private grotto.

    Jared bounded to his feet, conscious of his brother's restless stirring on the next ledge. "What is it?" he demanded.

    "The Prime Survivor!" Averyman broke for the exit. "Come--quick!"

    Jared raced off after him, hearing both that Romel was awakening and that his father's ledge was empty. He overtook the Elder near the entrance to the world. "Where are we going?"

    But Averyman only huffed more erratically. And the rush of air into and out of his lungs was chopped into discontinuous sound by the motion of the hair that hung down over his face.

    That something was seriously amiss was evidenced by more than the Elder's behavior. Indistinct voices, muffled in apprehension, could be heard in small, scattered groups. And Jared listened to several other persons, who had evidently been up and about soon enough to hear what had happened, racing toward the entrance.

    "It's the Prime Survivor!" Averyman managed between gasps. "We were out for our early walk. And he was saying how he was going to let you take over. When we passed by the entrance--" He stumbled and Jared crashed into his flailing form.

    Someone turned on the central caster and Jared oriented himself as the details of his world sprang into audibility all around him. Among the impressions came that of Romel plodding along after them.

    Elder Averyman brought his breathing under control. "It was awful!
    This thing came rushing from the passage, all fluttering and foul smelling!
    Your father and I could only stand there terrified--"

    The smell of the monster still clung to the air. Detecting it, Jared raced ahead.

    "Then there was this hissing sound," Averyman's laboring voice receded. "And the Prime Survivor fell where he stood. He didn't move-not even when the thing came for him!"

    Jared reached the entrance and elbowed his way past several Survivors who were asking one another what had happened.

    The odor was even more offensive in the Passageway, growing stronger in the direction of the Original World. Mingled with it was the familiar scent of the Prime Survivor. There seemed to be an accumulation of the stench a short distance away. Jared followed his nose to the spot, reaching down to pick up something soft and limp.

    About twice the size of his hand, it felt like manna cloth. Only, the texture was incomparably finer. And

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