Free PRIME by Samantha Boyette

Book: PRIME by Samantha Boyette Read Free Book Online
Authors: Samantha Boyette
Tags: Zombie Apocalypse
the couch. He motioned for Simon to join him, but Simon remained standing. He felt small enough beside the older boys. Before Matt could answer Zeke, Simon started in on him.
    “Noah might not have been a close friend of mine, but he was one of us, and he has close friends here. The two boys he was always with, what are their names?”
    “Tyson and Red,” Zeke answered when no one else could. Again Simon wondered how Zeke could be so aware of everyone.
    “They deserve to know what happened,” Simon continued, anger building inside him. “I mean we didn’t even know their names. We’ve been with each other for the last month and we don’t know everyone’s names.”
    “It’s easier that way,” Matt mumbled, looking at his buddy who nodded.
    “Easier how?” Simon asked, filled with anger and on a roll.
    “Easier when we all start dying.” Matt’s voice rose with each word until he was yelling. “That’s how, you little scrab.” He took a step closer to Simon so they stood facing each other, both breathing heavily and Matt a good foot taller than Simon.
    “None of that is the point right now,” Dodge interrupted. “What are we going to do with this kid?”
    “Burn him,” Simon answered quickly, “let everyone be there.”
    “Burn him?” Matt gaped at them. “That’s how the virus spreads.”
    “Yeah and we all already had it so who cares?” Dodge snapped.
    “So we have a funeral?” Matt rolled his eyes. “This is beyond stupid.”
    “Noah deserves it,” Simon insisted.
    “You’re right.” Dodge’s voice was soft. Simon was surprised by the change in Dodge. He was no longer the overly cocky teenager. He seemed like an adult. “And others here deserve a chance to see that we’re all still human. When we die, we’re treated with respect.”
    The room was silent as everyone thought that over. Finally Simon spoke. “So we do up a whole service for him. I like that.”
    “I’m not going to be there for that,” Matt spoke adamantly. His friend nodded in agreement.
    “Good. You scrabs can keep watch then,” Dodge snapped. “We’ll need armed watch twenty- four hours a day if these things are going to be out in the daytime.” Matt looked like he was going to disagree, but only nodded.
    “Fine, but we’re going to need more weapons.”
    “I’ll have them for you in the morning,” Dodge promised. “I’ll break the news to everyone once they’re all in for the night. Thank God no one was outside the base and the gates have been closed all day. We’ll get everything ready and do the funeral just after sunrise tomorrow.”
    “Alright.” Simon nodded.
    “Alright.” Dodge nodded back.


    Haven Medical Base

    The sun crested the horizon, shedding a soft light over the world. Simon led the children to where Dodge and Tech had set up the ceremony. Without being told to, everyone had cleaned up. Simon’s eyes welled with tears when Zeke brought him the black suit and tie. It fit perfectly. The others wore nice shirts and pants or dresses; faces and hands scrubbed.
    Simon stood with Tyson and Red, working up the courage to go sit down. Already a few seats were filled, but most of the kids seemed as nervous as Simon felt. No one wanted to sit; as long as they stood, they could pretend nothing had changed.
    “Are you going to sit down?” Tessa asked, coming up beside Simon.
    “I don’t want to,” Simon said, not sure why he had spoken the truth. “I want to crawl back into bed and never come out.”
    “Noah would like this.” Red bit his lip and gave a short nod. “He would like that you made them do this for him.” Without another word, Red walked toward the front row. Tyson followed behind him.
    “Go sit down,” Tessa urged Simon.
    “I can’t.” Simon shook his head and looked down. “He was still a kid.”
    “He’d hate you for saying that,” Tessa said. “Just like you hate it when someone calls you that. Noah was a brave little guy, braver and smarter than a

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