Murder at the Miramar (Augusta Burnette Series)

Free Murder at the Miramar (Augusta Burnette Series) by Dane McCaslin

Book: Murder at the Miramar (Augusta Burnette Series) by Dane McCaslin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dane McCaslin
into orbit. I caught the tray just as it tipped over the counter’s edge. No need to waste those luscious cookies.
    I introduced Detective Baird to the timid girl, backing quietly out of the kitchen. I figured she’d be more likely to talk without an audience.
    I spent the next hour or so working on a project Emmy had left for me, looking up every time someone walked into the lobby. I was hoping to see a certain pair of jeans strolling into view. And I had to admit that I was curious as to who he was talking to. It would seem that the police department considered Miguel’s death something other than an accident.
    I found myself wondering if Emmy knew that.
    Sadly, the afternoon passed without another glimpse of Detective Baird. For that matter, I’d seen neither hide nor hair of Emmy. I sat for a moment, thinking, trying to decide if I should try to find her or look for something else to do. I decided not to do either, heading to my room instead to see if Ellie was still here or had flown the coop. I half-hoped I’d find an empty suite, but experience told me Ellie would still be there, ensconced on my couch, making herself right at home.
    I was right. Ellie lay asleep, stretched out on the couch, making snorting noises and looking like she could sleep for hours. I stood just inside the door for a minute, watching her and grinning as I recalled the crazy scrapes we’d gotten into as kids. In a town the size of ours, there was little chance of having secrets or getting away with anything, but Ellie and I had managed to fly under the radar, creating mischief and having a blast. 
    Here at the Miramar, though, flying under the radar probably wasn’t a great idea. I would need to let the powers that be understand that she was here to act as bodyguard and lookout for yours truly. And to take advantage of the resort’s amenities, if I knew my cousin.
    I managed to restrain myself from pouring water on her like she used to do to me whenever I spent the night at her house. It would not do to get her wound up; I knew she still had an impish streak, and revenge was her middle name. I contented myself with a quick shake of her shoulder.
    ‘Hey, AJ,’ she said sleepily, propping herself up on her elbows. ‘What time is it?’ She laid back down, flinging one arm across her face to block out the late afternoon light.
    ‘Just past five,’ I replied, walking into the kitchen and opening the fridge. Since there was absolutely nothing in there, it was clearly out of habit. I closed the door and leaned back on the counter.
    ‘How about a quick walk before dinner?’ I suggested, checking my watch. We’d have just enough time for a turn around the resort before the Palmetto Room would be opened. I intended to be in the first crowd of folks so I’d have time to chat with Emmy.
    I still hadn’t heard from her and I was getting anxious. I hoped she was OK, considering the bad news about Miguel and the suspicions that surrounded his demise. She was so protective of the Miramar and its reputation and something like a murder inquiry could be devastating.
    ‘This place is incredible!’ Ellie stood near the path that led to the beach, looking back at the resort with one hand protecting her eyes from the sun.
    I felt a proprietary pride, nodding in agreement. ‘Yeah, it sure is. I picked a winner, that’s for sure.’
    Ellie turned to look at me. ‘So, what’re your plans, AJ? Do you mean to stay, or will you be coming back to the nest?’
    I snorted. ‘Not any time soon. I like it here, and I couldn’t find a job like this back home if I looked for a hundred years.’ And so far, Emmy hadn’t asked to me to fetch her dry-cleaning, so that made it an even better gig in my book.
    I took a long look at the Miramar. The buildings spread out proudly across the beachfront, giving no hint of the tragedy of the day before. I earnestly hoped that nothing else would happen to spoil its peaceful ambiance.

Chapter Ten
    When dinner came

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