Tainted Love (Book 1)

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Book: Tainted Love (Book 1) by Ghiselle St. James Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ghiselle St. James
lingering in the hallway.
    He looks every part the powerful business man with his hands in his pockets. I stare lustfully at his body looking absolutely majestic in a black fitted pinstripe suit, white shirt and inky black tie with silver stripes, and shiny black shoes. When he sees me , his eyes soften before smirking that damn sexy smirk that makes my pussy clench. He holds his hand out to me and I take it as he ushers me into his office.
    The office is encased in mirrored glass. I stumble a bit, flustered, at seeing the way he holds my hand as he pulls me toward his office. It seems so natural, feels so comfortable. It freaks me out. I tug my hand from his as he opens the door and I step inside the soft cream-carpeted space wit h an air of pretension. I will not let him get to me.
    I am amazed by his office. As I enter , I spot a large LCD television to the bottom right corner of the room. Floor to ceiling windows light the space where his large brown mahogany desk stands, furnished with a Mac Pro computer, a pen holder, an odd carving and a stack of papers. Three plush black chairs with armrests sit in front of his desk, while his is a large black and brown padded leather chair. To the left of us is a black leather sofa and adjacent to it, a black and silver mini fridge.
    The moment he closes the door , I pounce, not wanting to lose focus by thinking about hot, raw sex in his wonderful office.
    “ How dare you fire Simone,” I attack.
    “ Well, hello to you too, Sullivan,” he says, amused.
    “ Cut the shit, Ben. Give Simone her job back,” I demand.
    “ Give me what I want,” he demands in response.
    I scoff at his audacity. He really did fire her so he could get to me. “You prick.”
    “Yes. I’ m a businessman, Sullivan. In this game one has to be a prick. I have to get what I want, Sullivan, and I will go to any lengths in order to get it. Simone was an unfortunate sacrifice. But I want you that much. It’s that simple,” he explains, locking his eyes on me, as if this is a business negotiation.
    I should feel flattered. He let one of his best employees go, just to be with me.
    “I don’t want a relationship,” I manage to say.
    “ I thought we already established that, Sullivan.” He struts over to me, pressing his firm chest to my side.
    “You know what I want,” he says in a soft rasp that makes my core clench in response.
    “ Will you reinstate her?” My voice is thin and airy. His proximity makes the hairs on my arms stand and my center quiver. His scent is stimulating, powerful. Paired with his beguiling presence, I am pulled into him with an unseen force. I dig my heels into the floor and tense my body so as not to launch myself at him.
    “ Just say yes, Sullivan.” His hand brushes my lower back. I want this man terribly. He presses against me and I feel how powerfully his heart is beating inside his chest. “Say yes,” he cajoles in a whisper that tickles my senses.
    “ Yes,” I breathe, as I succumb to the devil. Before I can take another breath, his lips are over mine.
    My purse falls to the ground as I throw my arms around him. He cups my backside, urging me to wrap my legs around him and I do just that. He moves around his desk, not letting me down, and pushes a button that causes his office door to make a hissing suction sound.
    “The door was open. Anyone could’ve barged in,” he answers the question my eyes ask.
    I grab the ends of his hair and pull him back to my lips. He kisses me roughly, his hands gliding all over my back. We stumble toward the sofa and he lays me gently on it, towering over me. I want to climb him like a tree; he’s so regal and extraordinary. He’s a mountain of a man and he wants me .
    “ You are so sexy,” he pants, shrugging his jacket to the floor. “Why’d you have to wear pants?” he grumbles. “Damn it.” He scrapes his fingers along my legs and for a moment I wish I hadn’t worn them.
    “ Protection.” My voice is soft but husky

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