Tainted Love (Book 1)

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Book: Tainted Love (Book 1) by Ghiselle St. James Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ghiselle St. James
with desire. I could kick myself for wearing pants, now when I want him so much.
    He lets out a deep chuckle, taki ng one of my feet in his hand. “A chastity belt couldn’t keep me away from fucking you, Sullivan.” His voice is dark and sexually sinister as it reverberates through my body. Oh how I wish he’d just take me.
    Slipping my pump off, he places light kisses on the sole of my foot where I feel the sensation in my groin. He rests my leg down and does the same to the other foot. He trails kisses around my ankle, every so often letting his tongue lick a wet path, and the tingles that started off as small ripples, become thunderous waves crashing through my body. It is slow torture.
    “ Shit,” he swears, leaping up. His office intercom had buzzed. Pressing a button on the phone, a woman speaks through the speakers.
    “Your 10 o’ clock is on his way up, sir.” It’s Simone’s voice.
    I quickly sit up to see him smiling.
    “Thank you, Simone. Oh, and our little plan worked,” he says staring at me with wry amusement. “Thank you for your help.”
    “Simone?” I can’t believe it. “You tricked me?”
    Giggling, she says, “Yes, sweetie. I’m sorry. He signs my checks. He twisted my arm. I’ll make it up to you.”
    I scowl at him and he ends the conversation.
    “Are you mad?” He winces.
    I purse my lips and fold my arms. I’m actually flattered, but I want to have a little fun with him first.
    “Oh, God, you’re mad.” He paces over to me, and reaches for my cheek. Caressing it, he apologizes, “I’m sorry. I didn’t know what else to do. Sullivan, I would have done anything to make sure that I had you. If you had a boyfriend, I’m not sure if I wouldn’t have hired a hit out on him.”
    “Ben, it is just sex.” I can’t understand why he is so determined to have me.
    “God, yes it is. And it’s the best I’ve ever had. And I really want to continue having mind-blowing sex with you , if that’s alright. No strings? Fine. I’ll deal with it. As long as I get to please this sexy body of yours while getting off, I’m fine. Holy shit, I’ve never had to trick a woman into having sex with me. And…fuck, I’m rambling.” He exhales deeply and flushes.
    I grab onto him to calm him down. “Breathe, Ben. If it’s any consolation, you’re the best I’ve ever had too.” And that’s the truth. “Now get yourself together. You have a meeting in two minutes. We can talk later.”
    I start putting my shoes on and he cups my face and kisses me. “What’s that for?”
    “I just needed a memory of how your lips taste.” His green eyes twinkle and I smile. I could get lost in those.
    He walks me to the door and, before releasing me, tugs me to him and whispers sternly but seductively, “Meet me at the hotel we were at on Saturday. I want you kneeling on the floor in just those heels when I get to the room.”
    My tummy somersaults and my core clenches deliciously. His command lingers in my ears as I leave his office, desire spurting licentiously through my veins. I walk toward the elevator with a stupid, satisfied grin on my face. I can’t wait for later.
    In the lobby , I head straight to Simone, slapping her arm.
    “Ow!” she yelps. “Violence solves nothing, Sullivan.”
    “Well, it sure makes me feel better. I can’t believe you set me up. I thought you were my friend,” I say with mock disdain.
    “Sully, you’re every woman’s hero right now,” she states. “You’re fucking the green-eyed God,” she whispers. “Do you know how many women, old and young, would kill to have Ben speak to them, let alone wan t to fuck them? I gotta admit…I was a little jealous.”
    I scoff at her. I know I’m making a mistake being with him in any capacity. I know I’ll end up hurting him, but he is just so damned irresistible and it didn’t help that he kind of bulldozed me into that little arrangement.
    “Don’t overthink this, Sullivan,” Simone admonishes knowingly.

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