The Witch's Dream - A Love Letter to Paranormal Romance (Black Swan 2)
thinkin' he's died and gone to heaven."
    Elora grinned at her. "Song, you are so like your brother."
    "Well, since 'tis rumored on good authority that you love him, I shall take it high praise."
    Elora squeezed her hand. "As you should."
    Urz answered a knock at the door. Right on time, the king's mother had sent a herald to fetch the bride.
    Song handed her the rose. Katrina had stayed with her, sipping white wine while Song and the Norns raided the "floral room". It was usually a large dining room, but was temporarily converted into a hub for arranging and distributing thousands of blooms. They had spent an hour there, first searching and then arguing over which was the single most perfect flower.
    Elora had kept back a sprig of holly, which she tied together with the perfect rose using the red ribbon Ram had brought her.
    She took a deep breath and looked at the others. "Here we go."
    Descending the stairs, they could hear the noise of music and many voices talking at once. The hall, more aptly called a thoroughfare, was deserted except for the royal guard in dress uniform, posted every few feet for security watch although it was a formality. The elfdom was populated by millions of citizens willing to die for the king.
    When they reached the ballroom entrance, the music stopped and the crowd grew quiet. With one last encouraging look, the other women went ahead of Elora, leaving her standing alone outside the entrance. She turned and looked at the soldier standing nearest her. His response was the barest hint of a smile and a wink which, oddly enough, calmed her nerves.
    The guests had parted to clear the wide strip of forest green carpet that marked a path to the circle in the center of the room where Ram, his family and the people closest to the couple waited with the Old Ways priest who would guide the ceremony. Elora had been instructed by the planners to listen for her musical cue then follow the carpet to the circle where the groom would be waiting.
    The processional was the traditional "Star of the County Down" played on wooden flute, tin whistle, fiddle, tiompan, and bodhran. When she heard the prelude, she took a deep breath, winked back at the guard, and walked to the entrance, where she could see the ballroom for the first time. The number of people looking at her expectantly was expected, but still overwhelming. She had never liked lots of attention.
    Her gaze flew straight to the end of the carpet where stood an elf who challenged the bride for beauty and, in her opinion, won the contest without a fuss. Nonetheless, there was a collective sound of approval from the throng when she appeared in the doorway at the head of the carpet, a mixture of little gasps and murmured oohs and aahs. The groom had to swallow a lump, as he was thinking: "Exactly right buggers. And ne'er will you again see a creature so beguilin'."
    Rammel was wearing the male version of her costume: white raw silk and a vest of tufted velvet with matching pearls in the furrows. His sister had done a masterful job of braiding his hair behind his ears and had pulled the rest into a catch at the nape of his neck. His smile and golden aura were in full bloom.
    Ram and Elora held each others' hands with crossed wrists and repeated vows as the priest sealed their joining with the cord they had braided while laughing and talking about the future. Out of the corner of her eye Elora saw both Song and Katrina brush away stray tears. She was aware of where Storm was standing, but resolutely refused to look his way because she wouldn't chance having her wedding day compromised by sadness no matter how much guilt she might secretly hold in her heart.
    When the cord was unwound, Rammel surprised her by producing a gold band etched in Celtic knot weaving with a large, oval emerald of the deepest green. And it fit perfectly. She was expecting a chaste kiss, but should have known that her elf would not be shy about public displays of affection. By the time he

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