The Fallen Guardian (The Guardian Chronicles 2)

Free The Fallen Guardian (The Guardian Chronicles 2) by Steven R. Burke

Book: The Fallen Guardian (The Guardian Chronicles 2) by Steven R. Burke Read Free Book Online
Authors: Steven R. Burke
black clouds. She could also sense
the traces of magic in the air from its heightened use over the past few weeks. The elements will be unavoidably altered by this war; that much is certain.
I must work swiftly now if I am to save any part of the lands.
saw the sentry guards at their posts stiffen as she approached. The guards were
trying to figure out who or what she was as she continued to walk toward them.
She could sense their fear and trepidation, so she sent out a soothing magical
web to calm their heightened senses. She did not want them to act rashly and do
something they would regret. Just because she was visiting King Leroy Ishrafle
to discuss the alliance of the races of men, elves, dwarves, and giants did not
mean that she particularly cared for the people of Landen. They had always
abused their position in Tuwa and had not done their part to prevent this war
and would most likely blame the guardians as they always did.
guards of Landen; it is I, Mistress Khalida.” She introduced herself to the
sentries. She bowed as she uttered her pleasant greeting.
Stay where you are!” ordered one of the guards timidly. He was shaking in spite
of himself.
have no need to fear me. I am not the one you were told to watch for. Do you
really believe that she would just walk right up to you?  She would probably
swoop down out of the sky on her winged beast and let it eat you both for
merely being at your posts,” replied Khalida pointedly. She did not have the
patience to placate these fools, and time was of the utmost importance.
are you saying?” stammered the other guard.
am saying that I am on your side. Now, please do not waste any more of my time.
Inform your king that I am here to speak with him. I am representing the
guardian council,” she said with an icy edge to her voice.
will notify him at once!” shouted one of the guards out of fright. He had not
meant to yell, but his nerves were on edge, and he could not control his
you,” replied the powerful guardian smoothly. She walked toward a chair by the
sentry post and took a seat. She stared off into the distance and pondered
exactly how she should approach King Leroy about what would be required of him. These high plains are the perfect natural defense against the hordes of
Kana. The king must let us use his land as a defensive shield for the besieged
peoples of Tuwa.
a few minutes of silence, the guard who had shouted returned from sending the
message from Khalida to the king. He had sent the message with a rider and
instructed them to make haste. He wanted the situation to sound urgent because
he wanted desperately to be out of the presence of this mysterious lady. The
guard had heard tales of the guardians before, and they all depicted them as
violent creatures that did not care one bit for the races of Tuwa. His view was
not the popular perception of the Elementals, but it did represent a segment of
people who would not help a guardian in their cause. She simply ignored the
sentry as he resumed his post with his back to her. She laughed softly at his
childish mannerisms and turned her attention away from the brooding guard to
the other sentry who had managed to keep himself composed in her presence.
news has reached your ears regarding the events taking place outside your
country?” she asked him quietly.
word is that demons from the north have begun to take over the lands. They say
that devils have attacked our neighbors in Nairi,” the guard replied in hushed
tones. He had a much higher opinion of the powerful guardian than his
indeed…,”replied Khalida thoughtfully. The aggressors in these attacks are
definitely displaying devilish traits. I wonder if the demons in the north have
ventured outside their realm and decided to try and take over the lands again.
could you tell me what is going on out there?” he asked

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