Demons LLC (Damned and Cursed Book 7)

Free Demons LLC (Damned and Cursed Book 7) by Glenn Bullion

Book: Demons LLC (Damned and Cursed Book 7) by Glenn Bullion Read Free Book Online
Authors: Glenn Bullion
of consciousness.   It would have been impossible to fall totally asleep, and not just because the truck was uncomfortable.
    He was apparently engaged in some kind of game with Nate that he didn't know the rules to.   The radio was playing quietly.   Nate was humming, badly, to whatever song was playing.   In a fit of irritation, Alex would change the channel, hoping Nate got the hint.   He wanted to listen to music, not music and Nate's terrible humming.   Nate, however, was clueless, and the humming would begin again.
    Alex wasn't sure why the young ghost was even still with him.
    He turned the radio off completely and looked out the window.   The house was still completely dark, as was the rest of the neighborhood.   No doubt the family had all gone to sleep.   The minutes were ticking by.   He wasn't even sure he wanted to look at the time, but he knew it was late.   Or early, depending on perspective.
    "Man, a demon…." Nate said again.   "I've been dead a while, and I've seen some crazy things.   But I've never seen a demon."
    Alex kicked his feet up on the dashboard in an attempt to find comfort.
    "That's a good thing.   Very dangerous.   They feed on fear, can possess a human or a ghost.   Not very fun to be around.   Very nasty."
    "And yet you say you beat one up in there?"
    "I didn't beat it up…."   Alex rolled his eyes.   "Okay, sure.   I beat it up."
    "How did you do that?"
    "I'm just nastier."
    A moment of silence passed as Alex checked out the house again.
    "Did you get that chick's phone number?"
    "Uh, no.   We had other things going on.   And, again—"   He displayed his finger.   "I'm married."
    "I mean for me, man.   Did you get her number for me?"
    "You can't even use a phone."
    "I know."   A devilish smile crossed Nate's lips.   "But you can look the number up.   We can find out where she lives.   Maybe I'll change my ways, figure out how to really haunt a house.   I'll haunt her house so good, just the way she likes it."
    Alex laughed, almost embarrassed that he did.   Nate certainly had a sense of humor.
    "So," Nate said.   "What are we doing still sitting here?"
    He cast Nate a sideways glance, amused at the phrasing of the question.
    "Well, I'm still sitting here because I think something's going on.   Now, why you are still sitting here, I have no idea."
    "You said you smacked down the demon, right?   And you got paid?"
    "I sure did," Alex said, pride in his voice.   He rubbed the back of his jeans pocket to feel the two envelopes.   He'd not collected on jobs before.   Sometimes it was his fault, sometimes the client.   It felt good to have money in his pocket.   "One thousand dollars.   Not bad at all for a night's work."
    "Then, seriously, why are you still here?   It's not like you'll get paid again, right?   You think the demon is still around?"
    "No, the demon's gone.   But I don't think I'm done here."
    "Hell, then, go home, make them call again."   Nate rubbed his hands together, producing no sound.   "Make them pay again."
    "That wouldn't be right."   Alex looked at him.   "You remind me of a friend of a mine."
    "He sounds like a great guy already."
    "He's over two hundred years old and never sleeps.   He's the biggest asshole I've ever met."
    "Two hundred?   Damn."   Nate was quiet, absorbing the info.   He shook his head to get back to the conversation.   "I'm just looking out for you, man.   Money isn't a bad thing."
    Alex smiled and nodded in appreciation.   He wasn't sure how he ended up with a ghost in the passenger's seat that wouldn't leave.
    "What are you even looking for?   Can you tell me that much?"
    Alex looked over the house for what felt like the hundredth time.
    "I'm not sure yet.   But I think I'll know it when I see it."
    "Oh, wow.   Real zen answer."
    "Thank you."
    "Don't mention it."
    Nate was silent a moment, but only a moment.   He didn't seem to like silence much.
    "Can I ask you a question?"
    Alex let out a

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