Making Waves: A Perfect Kisses Novella
enough that Justine could pick up the salty scent of his skin mixed with those natural, manly pheromones. He didn’t have to take time out of his day to do this for her. He could be off with his surfer buddies or his family or doing whatever the reclusive Chase Ryder did to celebrate.
    Yet, he was here with her. Why?
    It was pretty evident that today had not helped in her quest to get over Will Davenport. After all that had happened and what she was still discovering, she was even more attracted to him. She gazed out at the tiny waves, trying to make sense of the puzzle running through her head.
    “Well, it’s getting warm.”
    Justine sat ramrod straight. “Already?” She had to admit, even though the sun was halfway down the western sky, it was pretty darn hot, and the ocean looked cool and refreshing.
    Will extended his hand. “Why don’t you walk out there with me, just hang by the shore if you want?”
    She pulled in a deep breath and then blew it out. “Okay.” She reached up and took Will’s hand. It was strong and sure, and just the sense of his fingers around hers made her feel safe. She was grateful he kept ahold of it as they walked toward the water.
    Was the ocean always this loud? The closer they got, the faster her heart beat, and she wondered if Will could feel her hand sweat. Suddenly, Anna’s face flashed before her eyes—happy and alive like she used to be. Then nothing. Justine pulled to a stop, breath catching in her chest.
    I can’t do it , she thought, feeling like a failure. But as quickly as that negative concept hit, another followed. Yes, you can . Anna loved the water, too. Do it for your best friend.
    “Juss,” Will said, watching her with concern.
    She closed her eyes and blew out a determined puff of air. “I hate this,” she muttered. “I hate letting fear have control over me.” She opened her eyes and stared straight ahead. “I really want to go out there, Will.”
    He squeezed her hand. “I know.”
    “I’m stronger than this, I’m better than this.” She turned into the wind and let it whip through her hair. “I just need…” She hated admitting she needed help. But the moment she felt Will’s arm slide around her waist, she didn’t feel as weak.
    “Keep your eyes on the horizon,” he said, pointing with his free hand straight ahead. They stood side by side, watching the place where the blue water hit the blue sky. “Ready to get a little wet?”
    “No,” she answered, but then tagged on a laugh. She wouldn’t mind seeing Will wet, but the thought of herself in there… “I’m nervous.”
    He gave her a squeeze. “I’ve got you.”
    Together, they took a first step. Justine felt like throwing up the second her foot touched a foamy wave.
    “Take my hand,” he said, moving in front of her.
    She reached out and he took both her hands and started backing up, leading her forward into the water like he was teaching her to skate. She took one tentative step, her foot sinking in the wet sand. Then another step.
    “Good,” Will praised, beaming at her. She couldn’t help smiling even though she knew he could feel how much her hands shook. “A tiny wave is coming.”
    She nodded, her spine stiffening as cold water lapped halfway up her calves. When they took another few steps deeper, she slid her hands forward, gripping Will’s elbows.
    “You’re kicking serious butt,” he said. “Another wave.”
    This one reached her knees. She tried not to claw her nails into his skin, but she probably was.
    “Juss, awesome job. Now I’m going to let you go—”
    “No!” She shrieked, vice-gripping his arms.
    “It’s fine.” He laughed quietly. “I want to take your hand again. See? You’re standing on your own.”
    Her legs felt like rubber bands, but there she was…standing in the ocean almost up to her waist. The water was invigorating, cold near the ocean floor, but warm where it had been touched by the tropical sunshine. Her mouth was on the brink of

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