Escaping Dominance (Heart of a Wolf Series - Trina's Tale)

Free Escaping Dominance (Heart of a Wolf Series - Trina's Tale) by Marylynn Bast

Book: Escaping Dominance (Heart of a Wolf Series - Trina's Tale) by Marylynn Bast Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marylynn Bast
Amber crawled into bed, she noticed the bag was right next to her side of the bed, close to the door. The woman seemed to always be ready for a quick escape.
    Two hours later , she woke to find the other bed empty. Trina jumped up and looked around the room, pe er ing in the bathroom, nothing. Amber’s things were all gone. Plopping down in the chair, her back hit the hard cushion with a thump. She ran her hands through her hair, the palm of her hand against her forehead, she leaned forward , placing her elbow on her knee. Closing her eyes to fight the frustration she wondered what the hell she was going to do now. S he s uck ed in a deep breath, releas ed it on a sigh, straightened and started to get up when she heard a quick honk. Sneaking a pe e k through a crack in the curtain , a wave of relief washed over her.
    Amber jumped out of her new black jeep, new to her anyway, and headed towards the room with a satisfied grin on her face. The older model wrangler looked to be in good condition.
    Trina opened the door a nd walked outside. “Nice ride.”
    Amber bobbed her head, walking towards Trina with a grin her face. “Good deal , too. They’re picking up the car tomorrow so I don’t have to worry about it. You ready to head out? ”
    Trina nodded, went back in and quickly woke Toby, rushing him through dressing and brushing his teeth. They followed Amber outside, loading their bags in to the small cargo area in the back.
    With the top off, Amber sat in the driver’s seat, her dark hair pulled back into a braid, a grin on her face. Trina couldn’t help but think, for someone who doesn’t get attached to things, she sure seemed to be h appy about her new acquisition.
    After securing Toby in the back seat, she had to lift her foot high to the frame and pull herself up into the tall four by four. Settling into the black leather seat, she pulled the seatbelt across her lap, snapping it into place. Her hair wasn’t long enough to braid, but she did pull it back into a ponytail at the base of her skull so the wind wouldn’t whip it around. The welcoming warmth of the sun sh o ne down on them in the early morning hours. She’d been stuck indoors cleaning rooms and teaching Toby whenever possible , so s he had n’t t spent as much time as he had outside and she needed it. The rays felt good on her skin.  A smile on her face, she nodded when Amber started the jeep and turned the radio up. Pulling out of the parking lot, they took off towards the highway and headed to Las Vega s.
    A couple hours into the drive, she could tell Amber was tired. “If you want to teach me to drive, I can relieve you. It doesn’t look too difficult.”
    Amber cut her eyes over at her, weighing the thought, then shook her head. “Not a good idea to have you behind the wheel if Dean shows up. Learning to drive a stick is easy, but not when you’re trying to avoid someone. But thanks for the offer.”
    Trina nodded, disappointed, but understanding her reasoning. She sunk back into the seat. The thought of learning to drive was exciting, but she hadn’t considered what would happen if Dean had shown up. She would probably freak, run off the road and kill them all. She had once considered asking Mable to teach her to drive, but she had done so much for her that she didn’t want to keep asking for things. Then Trina noticed Amber watching the mirrors constantly. She looked over her shoulder. “Is he following us?”
    Amber shook her hea d. “Not that I can see anyway.”
    After a few moments of silence, other than the radio, Trina glanced at Toby in the back. “Can we stop at the next gas station so I can get him something to eat?”
    “Of course. I’m used to being alone, so you will have to speak up if you two need anything.”
    Trina nodded and smiled over her shoulder at Toby, who grinned back at her. Her heart swelled with pride and amazement every time she looked at him. Even though getting pregnant with him had changed

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