Lizzy Harrison Loses Control

Free Lizzy Harrison Loses Control by Pippa Wright

Book: Lizzy Harrison Loses Control by Pippa Wright Read Free Book Online
Authors: Pippa Wright
isn’t exactly the promotion I had in mind for you, but it’s a step out of your usual role and I think you can do it. If you can handle something like this, then you can handle anything. Jemima and I were already talking about expanding your role once this is over.’
    Oh, great. I wonder what my role will be expanding into after this. A threesome with Paul Daniels and Debbie McGee? Surrogate mother for Cilla Black?
    I hesitate, wresting my hand out of Camilla’s and back into my lap.
    ‘I’m sorry,’ I say, turning from Camilla to Jemima, who is pacing so vigorously behind me it’s as if she’s trying to punch a row of holes in the carpet with her spike heels. ‘I don’t want to be in the public eye like this. It’s not what I signed up for when I came to work at Carter Morgan. I like the behind-the-scenes stuff. I’m just not a front-of-house sort of girl.’
    ‘You can say that again,’ Jemima huffs, stopping mid-pace for a moment. ‘I told you she wouldn’t do it, Camilla. It was a stupid idea. I’m going to call Bryan and tell him we have to think again.’
    Camilla’s shoulders droop and she takes a deep breath as she rests her palms on her desk. ‘It is a stupid idea. I’m sorry. I can’t expect it of you, Lizzy, and I shouldn’t have asked. I will call Bryan, thank you, Jemima. Randy is still my client, and I will find another way around this.’
    Jemima folds her arms in front of her like bull bars, but her tone suddenly switches to sweetness and light. ‘Oh, Cam. It’s too bad that Lizzy’s let you down like this. I know you thought this was the best way out. But now that’s not going to happen, don’t you think it’s about time you handed Randy over to me?’
    Both Camilla and I start in our chairs, and Camilla’s face reddens as if she’s been slapped.
    ‘I mean, you’ve got so much else going on, especially at home, and Randy’s such a demanding client. I’m not saying that I’d have handled things any differently up to now, but isn’t it in Randy’s best interests to have someone who’s available to him at any time of night or day? And isn’t it in your best interests, too, darling?’ Jemima cocks her head to the side to convey sympathy, concern, compassion, but looks more like a snake fixing her gaze on her prey.
    ‘That is a low blow, Jemima,’ says Camilla in a quiet voice. Come on , I think, stand up ! Have at her! It’s time you put her back in her box, with a heavy, heavy lid on.
    ‘I don’t mean to be harsh, darling,’ says Jemima. ‘You mustn’t take this personally. I’m just trying to put our client first, and I know that’s what you want to do, too, isn’t it? You know this makes sense.’
    Camilla shakes her head slowly in disbelief, but I can see her beginning to weaken under Jemima’s basilisk stare. She’s probably been up half the night with the twins. There’s a smear of puréed food on her elbow and the bags under her eyes are a louring purple. She’s too tough to cry, but too tired to resist Jemima for long.
    ‘ I’ll do it !’ I hear myself shout, in a voice that surprises me just as much as it does my bosses, whose heads whip round towards me as if on coiled springs.
    Shit. What did I say that for?
    Camilla leans forward on her desk, eyebrows practically buried in her hairline with surprise (her roots need doing – must remind her). ‘What? Are you absolutely sure, Lizzy? You don’t have to do this.’
    I do.
    ‘I’m sure. I am absolutely positively sure,’ I say, sounding more confident than I feel. ‘You’re right, Jemima. We all need to put the client first, and it was selfish of me not to realize that from the start. You can count on me from now on.’
    Jemima bares her teeth in an attempt at a smile. ‘Well. I’m glad I helped you to see sense.’
    ‘Oh, you bloody marvel,’ Camilla says, grinning at me gratefully. ‘Lizzy, you complete and utter marvel. What did I ever do to deserve you?’
    Jemima rolls her eyes.

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