
Free Finally by Scarlett Metal

Book: Finally by Scarlett Metal Read Free Book Online
Authors: Scarlett Metal
Tags: Romance
sighed as he stretched me. He pulled me down onto his chest, kissing me hard as his hands moved to cup my breasts, teasing the nipples between his thumb and finger.
    I sat up and moved faster on him, grinding my clit against him. “That’s it, baby,” he murmured to me as he continued to cup my breasts. “Ride me.”
    A whimper escaped my lips, his hands on my hips now, guiding my movement on top of him. “God, Lauren, you’re so sexy,” he said, his breathing uneven now.
    I couldn’t help but smile; he was at my mercy now. I was the one in charge this time. I loved how dominant Marcus was in the bedroom, but it was fun to be the one calling the shots once in awhile.
    I pressed down on him again, my breasts crushed against his chest. I nibbled his neck, moving up to his lips. “I want you to remember me, to want to come back to me,” I whispered before covering his mouth with mine in a deep kiss, my tongue invading his mouth, teasing his.
    As I sat back up, riding him faster now as my orgasm approached, he groaned, “Trust me baby, I won’t forget you. I’m already trying to figure out the next time I can get you in bed.”
    I laughed softly. “Good.”
    He closed his eyes. “Baby, I’m going to come soon. I want you to come with me,” he said as he moved his thumb to the sensitive spot between my legs. My head fell back with a sigh as he teased my swollen nub. I slid my hands up my body, cupping my breasts, teasing the nipples.
    “Fuck yes, Lauren, touch yourself, just like that,” he growled at me as his thumb moved faster.
    My whimpers turned into moans as I felt my orgasm build. “That’s it baby, come with me,” he muttered.
    At this point all I could do was nod; I felt like I was going to explode.
    He pinched my clit between his fingers and I cried out his name as I tumbled over the edge, my orgasm radiating from deep in my belly to my toes. He grabbed my hips and held me as he thrust up into me, crying out my name harshly as he came inside me.
    I collapsed on his chest, planting tiny kisses all over him. He wrapped his arms around me, holding me close.
    “I’m going to miss you in my bed,” he said quietly into my hair, running his hand up and down my back, tickling me softly.
    I sighed and looked into his eyes. “I know, me too.”
    He gave me that smile that made my stomach do a flip-flop. “Don’t worry, I’ll make sure it’s not too long,” he said as he ran a finger along the side of my face.
    I missed him already and he wasn’t even gone.

    Chapter Fourteen – Marcus
    I eventually made my way to the shower. I tried to convince her to join me, but she wouldn’t; she knew she’d distract me there and I’d never make my flight. Would that be so bad ?
    As I washed my hair, I thought about how easy it was to be with Lauren. She was easy to talk to, funny, and crazy fun in bed. I would be a fool not to try to make this work.
    I finished up my shower and got dressed, packing up the last of my things from around her bedroom. For a second I thought about taking a few more days to stay with her but it was time to get back into the real world.
    I walked into the kitchen to find her pouring us each a cup of coffee. She had her hair back in a ponytail, wearing black yoga pants and a simple gray t-shirt. I was overcome with the urge to gather her up in my arms and take her back to bed.
    She smiled and slid a cup of coffee across the counter to me as I sat down. “I figured you could use this,” she said. “I don’t know about you, but my ass is dragging. I feel like I could sleep for a week.”
    I chuckled. “Yeah, I’ll probably be out the minute I get on the plane,” I said. I took a sip of my coffee, watching her over the edge of the cup. “But it was worth it.”
    Her cheeks reddened slightly as she nodded. “Yes, it was,” she said quietly. She set her coffee cup down. “When do you think we’ll see each other again? Do you think you can make it here for my birthday in a

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