Desert Bound (Cambio Springs)

Free Desert Bound (Cambio Springs) by Elizabeth Hunter

Book: Desert Bound (Cambio Springs) by Elizabeth Hunter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elizabeth Hunter
    “And you’re going to try to warn me not to give Alex any information on the investigation.”
    “I don’t think it’s a good idea.”
    Ted stepped around the exam table and set a thick file on top of the body bag that contained the remnants of Marcus Quinn, one of Alex’s friends. 
    “Caleb, I’ll tell you the same thing I tell everyone in this town: I don’t work for you. I don’t work for the Elder Council. I don’t work for the police. I don’t even really work for the county. I’m just a consultant.”
    His eyes narrowed. “I’m not sure what that tells me.”
    Ted smiled and patted his cheek before she walked past him. “It means you’re not the boss of me. But I’m sure you can wait for the ambulance, because I’m heading home.”
    “Please don’t involve McCann in this investigation, Ted.”
    That’s right, her keys were on her desk. “They have my number if they have any questions.”
    She stretched her shoulders, eager to be home so she could shift and climb. After this day, she needed it. 
    “Ted?” he called again, even more impatient.
    “Good night, Chief. See you when I see you. Tell Jena I said hi.”

Chapter Six
    Alex was sitting with Josie Quinn, Marcus’s widow, drinking coffee in one hundred degree heat and listening to Marcus’s mom, Delia, weep openly as her sisters tried to console her. Josie took a deep breath and set her coffee down.
    “I’m not handling this very well, Alex.”
    “No one expects you to. You just lost your husband, Jos. I can’t imagine—”
    “I don’t mean that.” Her choked voice said otherwise. “Them. All the weeping and carrying on from his mom. His aunts. Like they were so close. Marcus could hardly wait to get out of this house. You know why.”
    Because his dad was a shifty bastard who yelled at his wife and kids almost as much as he drank. And his mom stood there for years and took it until her old man got drunk and ran himself into a telephone pole on the way back from his girlfriend’s house in Blythe.
    Alex nodded, then glanced at Josie and Marcus’s oldest daughter, who was entertaining her little brothers with a board game by the window air conditioner. He had to hand it to their parents. Josie and Marcus might have been tattooed and dyed from top to bottom, but they let their kids be who they wanted. Their daughter, Kasey, looked like a tiny version of a Disney princess. Completely opposite her mom with her bright blue hair, bird tattoos, and piercings. Still, the sheer amount of love that poured off of Josie was mirrored in her daughter’s gaze when she happened to look over. They shared a small, sad smile, before Kasey was distracted by the boys again.
    “You still moving back?” Alex asked.
    “She’s ten now. How much longer do I have?”
    “Depends. I’d say anywhere from a year and a half to three years. That’s about average for girls.”
    Josie nodded and swiped at the tear that ran down her cheek, marring the thick black liner. 
    She pursed her bright red lips and said, “Then we’ll be back. Marcus said this was the best place for the kids once they changed.”
    “It will be. I promise. They won’t have to hide who they are from their friends. They’ll have people who know what they’re feeling. And not everyone is like Marcus’s family.”
    “I know. And he had some good friends here.” She glanced toward the kitchen and the dramatic, sobbing women. “Normal ones.”
    “You let me know what you need. Anything. You know that. We’ll figure out a place for you to live. Get you set up. Help moving. Whatever you need. When you’re ready. How’s the business? Is that going to be enough for you guys?”
    “My brother and Marcus were half and half once they expanded. Chris will have to hire someone, but I’m sure they’ll be fine. They still have the contract for the resort, right?”
    “Of course. The plans were all done. So if your

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