Hoaley Ill-Manored
would make you
forgive me.”
    Dirk dropped Adam’s hand, his gaze sliding
away. We’ll talk about that later. Right now, let’s get through
this crisis.”
    Adam nodded.
    “Any idea how the fire started?”
    “Take a deep breath, smell the air.”
    Dirk shook his head. “Gasoline. Did you see
who started it?”
    “No. I fell asleep in the chair.”
    Lights flared through the trees and sirens
screamed toward them, their strident call dulled slightly by the
roar of the fire. “Well, let’s get the official word on the arson,
then we can get CC involved to help us find the ass who did
    “Obviously Teddy Worth is our prime
suspect.” CC plucked a second donut from the box and took a large
    Adam nursed his black coffee, his appetite
gone with the gazebo. “I’d like to go with you when you question
    Edgar looked up from his own donut, which
he’d cut into tidy little wedges that he was dunking into his
coffee. “This happened around one in the morning, right?”
    Adam nodded.
    “Teddy works nights at the River Bluff Bar
and Grille. He would have been there until closing time, which I
believe is three in the morning. It’s doubtful he’s your guy.”
    CC looked at Adam. “You still want me to go
talk to him?”
    “No. But thanks. I owe him an apology
anyway. I might as well go eat crow and see if I can find out what
time he left the bar last night.”
    CC nodded. “Suit yourself. I talked to the
firemen. There’s not much question what started the fire. The
arsonist threw the damn gas can into the lake, probably as he was
running away. It got caught in some lily pads.”
    Maddy came into the room, her pretty face
filled with concern. “I saw the gazebo…what’s left of it. Are you
guys all right?”
    Adam and Dirk assured her they were
    She glanced at CC. “I heard you say the guy
who did this threw the gas can into the lake. It didn’t leak gas
into the water did it? I’m worried about the swans.”
    “I doubt there was enough in the can to harm
them, but it wouldn’t hurt to have a water test done.”
    She pulled her phone out of her pocket. “On
    “Thanks, Mads.” Adam watched her leave the
room, pecking at her cell to locate the nearest water testing
service. “This is a nightmare.”
    Dirk wrapped an arm around his shoulders and
gave him a squeeze. “We’ll get underneath whatever’s happening
here, babe.”
    Adam had been watching Edgar dunk a tiny
wedge of donut into his coffee so he saw the old man stiffen
slightly and lift his gaze toward them. Adam smiled, lifting his
eyebrows as Edgar realized that things were not as he’d assumed.
Adam hoped it wouldn’t change things between them. He’d grown
really fond of the sweet old man.
    He didn’t get a chance to find out. Mike’s
early warning system announced the arrival of Peter and the crew.
“Well, life goes on.” He gave Dirk a grateful smile and left the
kitchen. He had a lot of work to do before he could go into town
and question Teddy Worth. Hopefully the day would be an uneventful
    He was too tired to deal with any more


    The River Bluff Bar and Grille was north of
town, built on a bluff overlooking what looked more like a creek
than a river. The views on the other side of the wide wall of
windows were stunning, showcasing some of the prettiest countryside
in the States.
    The restaurant had been made to look like an
old time saloon and country music played over the speaker system,
furthering that impression. Wooden booths, centered by glossy wood
tables, filled the busy space and wait staff dressed in cowboy hats
and sharp toed boots moved quickly between them.
    The menu, exhibited behind Plexiglas on the
wall, seemed to feature standard cowboy fare like beef, chicken,
and baked beans. The mouthwatering scent of grilled meat reminded
Adam that he hadn’t had much to eat that day. Maybe he and Dirk
would stay for dinner after talking to Teddy. That was, if he

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