Soul Bound
is nothing to laugh about,” she told us.  “There is much that still lies ahead.  You will need to focus more now than ever before.”
    “We know, Circes,” I assured her, quickly finishing up my soup so that I could step away from the depressing conversation.  “Trust me, we know.”
    She nodded, placated.  I grabbed my trencher and left to scrape my dishes off with Brennan on my heels.
    “She’s pleasant,” he remarked as we took care of our dishes.  Handing my bowl to a young girl, I nodded at her and then replied to Brennan. 
    “Circes means well.  She’s so old that I think she’s lost her tact.”
    “You think?” He laughed at my obvious statement.  “If she were any less tactful, she would be a Mack truck.” 
    The village still sparkled with dew and we strolled through it, enjoying the morning sun.  The grass was thick and wet and the air smelled fresh and new.  I breathed it in and tilted my face to the sun.  As the warmth bathed me in its glow, I found myself comparing Brennan to it.  It was impossible not to draw the comparisons.  He was a child of the sun, after all.
    “I wonder what other powers you hold,” I mused, grasping his thick arm tightly as we walked.  “What powers you might have that we aren’t aware of yet.”
    Brennan didn’t seem concerned.  “It’s hard to say,” he answered.  “But I’m sure we’ll find out soon enough.”
    “I’m sure,” I answered absently.  I stared at the beauty surrounding us.  The magnificence of nature was impossible to ignore here in this serene place.  The air was always hushed, as though it was waiting for something.  I almost felt as though I should whisper.   The sunlight filtered through the limbs of the trees, creating a beautiful glow.  It seemed to illuminate everything around us.  I turned to Brennan.
    “Have you ever actually thought about how different you and I are?  You are born from the sun.  You are glowingly beautiful. The sun’s power is bright and warm, illuminating everything that it touches.  I am from the moon.  I dwell in the shadows, the darkness.  Moonlight provides a buffer for the night, hiding things that are frightening…things like me.  We’re so different, you and I.”
    Brennan stopped in his tracks, his eyes pensive and thoughtful as he appraised me. 
    “Are you serious right now?” he asked.  “Truly serious? Because that is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard.”  He reached over and grabbed my hand, his voice earnest.
    “Empusa, you are the most beautiful creature, inside and out, that I have ever laid eyes on.  You do glow.  Your glow is ethereal because it comes from the moon.  So many beautiful things come out at night.  There are actually night-blooming flowers that solely bloom in the moonlight.  You remind me of those, actually.  Do you truly feel that you belong in the night because you should hide?”
    I swallowed, trying to swallow the foolish tears that threatened to form at his sweet words.  I finally settled for nodding. I just couldn’t trust my voice.
    He took a long breath and grabbed me, clutching me to his chest.  I could hear his heart beat against my ear as he spoke again.
    “Emmie, you’re the most delicate and beautiful thing in the world.  Your soul is pure and sweet.  You are not frightening, not in the least.  I want you to put that thought out of your mind right now.  I love you.  I wouldn’t love you if you were a monster.”
    That thought was meant to be comforting, but it wasn’t. 
    “Brennan, you would love me no matter what- because we’re connected.  My mother still loves my father, who is the most heinous monster in the world.  She cannot help it because they are soul mates, like we are.  So, you’ll have to forgive me if I discount your opinion based on bias.  You would love me even if I was just like my father.”
    One tear broke rank and streamed down my cheek.   Brennan wiped it away and kissed the

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