Soul Bound
forward and brushing her lips across his.  “I know you do.”
    “My body wants you.  But I do not.  Please get off of me.  We can sit here and do this all day, but I won’t cave in to you.  I won’t. So you won’t like the outcome.”
    He was abrupt because he had to be.  He needed to focus his energy on keeping his body in check and resisting her.  But his tone was firm.  He meant what he said.  And Helen knew it.
    She sighed in defeat and instantly the mood in the room changed. 
    The smell of sex and pheromones disappeared as Helen climbed off of Brennan and stood on the floor next to the bed adjusting her clothing.  She snapped her fingers in my direction and the men holding me shoved me in front of them.  I felt to the floor and I knew my invisibility was lifted.
    Brennan stared at me in shock as I writhed helplessly on the floor in the impossibly strong gauze.  Within a second, he broke the bonds that held him to the bed and leaped to my side.  He was able to untangle me from the gauze in just a few seconds and helped me to my feet. 
    “Empusa, are you alright?” he asked quickly, staring into my eyes.  As I looked into his, I was so overcome with his dedication to me that I wanted to cry.  In fact, my eyes did tear up.  He was instantly concerned, followed by fury at Helen.  Turning to her, he started to grab her arm, but I held him back.
    “It’s not her fault, Bren,” I insisted.  “She was sent here by Zeus as part of the game.  And you won this challenge.  It’s fine.  It’s wonderful, in fact.  I can’t believe you did so well.”
    “I can’t either,” Helen sniffed. “No one can withstand me.”
    “Brennan just did,” I told her with a cocky smile.  “Now go home and lick your wounded pride.  And on your way, you can tell Zeus that we have another point.”
    Glaring at me, Helen snapped her fingers once again and she disappeared along with the two hooded men. 
    Alone, I stared at Brennan.  “You do love me, don’t you?” I asked softly.  He looked surprised at my question.  
    “You doubted me?” he asked, one eyebrow raised.  “You should never bet against me, Emmie.  Especially not when it is something concerning you.”
    I nodded slowly.  “Alright.  I’ll have to remember that.  I love you, Brennan.”
    “And I love you.”
    He opened up his strong arms and I flew into them.  Cradling me softly to his chest, he kissed my forehead.
    “And I just forfeited some pretty hot-and-heavy moments for you.  Are you going to compensate me for that at all?”
    I yanked away from him and looked up to find him laughing.  I swatted at his arm. He was so large that I seemed about as effective as a gnat, but still. 
    “You’re impossible.”
    “I know.”  He smirked and I had to laugh before I once again straightened my clothing and hair for breakfast. 

    Chapter Eight
    “You’ve done well,” Circes creaked from across the breakfast table.  She paused with her soup spoon midway to her mouth, the steaming porridge dripping back into the wooden bowl.  “I’m impressed, son of Apollo.  Mortal men can never resist a siren.”
    “I’m not a normal mortal, Circes,” Brennan pointed out calmly as he took a bite of his own breakfast.  “Although, some advance notice would have been helpful.”
    “I did not know in advance,” she replied.  “Zeus alone knows his plans.”
    “Circes,” I interrupted.  “When do you think we’ll hear of our next challenge?  It’s maddening to not know.”
    She shrugged, dipping her spoon once again into her soup.  “I know not, Empusa. Be patient, young one.”
    Young one.  I had to smile.  Only the very ancient could call someone who was a thousand years old young. I heard Brennan chuckle, as well.
    “I don’t know what you’re laughing about, young pup,” I told him, jabbing him in the ribs.  He laughed even harder until Circes silenced him with an icy, sightless stare. 

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