Dalton (Mistress & Master of Restraint)

Free Dalton (Mistress & Master of Restraint) by Erica Chilson

Book: Dalton (Mistress & Master of Restraint) by Erica Chilson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Erica Chilson
pull the tie for my hair and watch as the black strands swing around my head. I look to the wig and I’m tempted to bu rn it in the sink basin.
    I don’ t want to do this any longer. At first she sent me here because she was worried about Spyder’s father. She wanted me to keep an eye on him and tell her anything that was worrisome. Then when Adelaide Whittenhower surfaced I was to locate who was feeding her information. I would do anything for family- even family that isn’t directly related to me because I love my sister that much.
    But for a fucking club, it’s not worth it. All she ever cared about was her precious clubs. Her lineage- the same lineage that bore Pierre is all she cares about.  Her children are pawns. I was born out of a lie. She fed me a story and I suffered the consequences. She tricked Spyder’s father. According to the lying bitch h e never ev en had sex with her. She’ s a spineless, coldhearted bitch. The more I whore myself out for her the more I want to add matricide to my list of sins. It isn’t anything worse than I’ve already co mmitted. The only reason I don’ t retaliate is because of my sister. The only reason I keep up this charade is because even though I’ve bullied everyone , I ’ve come to care for their wellbeing.
I pinch the contacts out of my eyes and finally Font emerges. The resentment, bitterness, and hatred do not subside- it is turned inward. Tear s flee my eyes as my frustrations beg for an outlet. If I don’t take care of my needs I will implode.
I pull my cell from my back pocket and text a message that I send when I can’t contain the misery any longer. PAIN!
    I move my small dining set to the side near my bed. I need a big enough space for the large male to work in. I unlock the deadbolt and crack the door so that he can enter without delay. I kneel with my forehead on the floor and the top of my head brushing the wall. The cold tile is soothing beneath my shins. I wait for what feels like hours as I school my breathing for the release that is to come. I hear him enter when the deadbolt is clicked i nto place.
“We can’t do this, S on. Not with your injuries from last night. Wasn’t the beating enough to relieve you for a while?” His deep voice is rough with rem orse. I’ m thankful that it isn’t pity. He understands better than anyone on this planet what she has put me through- he’s had to stand by and watch it with his hands tied.
“I just broke a mother and wife. I made her relive her rape. I know better than most the torture that is. Master brought me Sebastian. I can’t be around him. He isn’t safe with me. The temptation is too great especially since I have no outlet for my needs. I’m not sure if she meant him to soothe me with his company or if she didn’t care for his wellbeing as I take his will away to suit my own needs. Knowing her brutal nature I would say she doesn’t give a fuck about Sebastian. She just wanted to placate me so that I will continue to whore for her. She’ s willing to make Sebby my whore in payment.”
“I know. I tried to dissuade her. I don’t know w hy she does the things she does. ” His deep voice is filled with sadness and resentment.
“Because she can,” I say in spite.
“Sometimes I wonder if Tony would have treated you the way he did if she hadn’t forced his hand. He was a sick bastard, but s he twisted him. I’ m starting to think she’ s worse than he was. I’m so sorry. I should have done something.”
“You did when no one else would, ” I murmur.
“It wasn’t soon enough. The damage was done before I intervened.”
“Fate pushed me to that moment. It was a defining moment in my life. You’re right. If she hadn’t done the things she did to him he would never have threatened Spyder or Kink. It was in retaliation. So he did what he could do to hurt her. The adage is the submissive’s pain is their Master’s pleasure. He pleased her well by abusing me. Dad, do it! I need

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