Beautifully Revealed

Free Beautifully Revealed by Bethany Bazile

Book: Beautifully Revealed by Bethany Bazile Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bethany Bazile
taking her out on a real date. What went wrong?”
    “Her son walked in on us last week, and let’s just say he saw a lot more than you saw that day you walked in on us.”
    “Oh my god Rich, that’s horrible. He’s probably traumatized.”
    “He wasn’t supposed to come home that ni ght, in hindsight I guess I should’ve at least taken it to her room but the kid went crazy on me.”
    “Kid? You’re practically the same age.”
    “No, he’s a twenty-year-old college kid. When I was his age I was graduating magna cum laude.”
    “Well we can’t all be super geeks,” I laugh at him.
    “I may be a fucking genius, but I’m not a geek.” He crosses his arms over his chest.
    “I don’t know how you’re going to dig yourself out of this one.”
    “Seems like we’re in the same boat so pack your shit, and get over to my place tonight. We’ll make popcorn and watch sappy love movies while we sulk.”
    “ Aww…I’ve never done that before.” My eyes glaze over with unexpected emotion. I quickly get up and head for the door before I get all mushy, but I pause before turning the knob. “Thanks, Rich,” I say, looking over my shoulder.
    He winks at me and smile s. “Anytime.”

Chapter 7
    That night I knock on Rich’s door with my duffe l bag on my shoulder, wishing I could just turn around and go home to Liam. Rich opens the door in a pair of sweatpants, a t-shirt, and a huge smile on his face.
    “You’re just in time .” He grabs the bag from my shoulder and pulls me in. He lives in a fourth floor condo that’s been recently developed less than ten minutes from Liam’s place. We enter the living room filled with plush carpet and gray furniture. The high ceilings make the place feel spacious, yet homey. He pulls me up the staircase, way too enthusiastic to have a houseguest.
    “This is where you’re sleeping.” He opens the first door in a long hallway and leads me into a large bedroom decorated in beige and brown tones. The bed has a ton of pillows on it, and I can’t wait to throw myself on that bed and get lost in them.
    “There’s a private bathroom through there .” He points towards a door on to my right. “My room is the last door at the end of the hall.” He puts my bag down and pulls me into a hug. “Don’t look so sad. That man won’t last long without you. In the meantime, popcorn is in the microwave and I’m about to start the movie.”
    “Which movie are we watching? ” I ask as he walks towards the door.
    “ The Notebook .” He smiles at me.
    “No, absolutely not. What else do you have?”
    “ A Walk to Remember ?” he asks with a sheepish smile.
    “What the hell , Rich? Are you one of those people that like to cry when they’re heartbroken?” I’ll stay in this room before I fill my heart with more sadness.
    “I don’t cry so that doesn’t apply to me. I was just kidding , I won’t torture you that way. We’re watching This Means War .”
    “Seriously! One girl and two g uys. That’s just perfect for me,” I say sarcastically.
    “I thought you might appreciate the irony,” he laughs on his way ou t and I can’t help but smile. Maybe staying here won’t be so bad. Rich always bring out the fun in everything.
    I haven’t seen Liam in four days and I’m constantly fighting back the feeling of despair. Rich tries his best to keep my spirits up, but he’s just as lovesick as I am. Each day I get in this elevator with my hand clutching the key card in my pocket that will take me up to Liam’s floor. The work week is almost over and if I don’t build up the courage to go see him soon, I’ll regret it all weekend.
    I quickly slide the card in the slot and pray I’m doing the right thing. I gave him his space as long as I could, no w I just need to see his face, get lost in his eyes for a few minutes. It takes an eternity for the elevator to reach his floor. When the doors finally slide open, my legs feel heavy as I walk

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