Can't Resist a Cowboy
    He gave a sarcastic grunt. “Develop the land?”
    She couldn’t imagine Agate Falls as a tourist spot any more today than before. The thought of it left a huge, queasy hole in her gut. “Tell Levi no. Tell him you don’t want that stupid campground on your land.” He opened his mouth but she shook her head. “ Your land, because you’re going to pay off his investment and get ownership back. You will.”
    Deep lines furrowed her father’s forehead, the crow’s feet around his eyes like cracks in the sand. Worn and defeated, the disappointment in his heart was clear. Carrie put her hand over his, wishing fiercely that she could stay and support him. Be his rock, like she’d been for so many years. Inside the strong heart of a workingman was the lead weight of pride, and his had fallen. Hard.
    She could stay. The thought gave her pause. It wasn’t completely out of the question, was it? The thought came and went, and Carrie dismissed it before it could bloom. The little dots that floated around her left eye like relentless polka dots were reminder enough why she couldn’t stay. Diabetes aside, at some point, she’d lose her ability to drive, to be independent. What then?
    Putting away the thought and the sting of regret, she poured herself a cup of coffee and held the warm ceramic between both hands. “What other plans does Levi have for the ranch?” There had to be options, other things they could investigate.
    “Looking at some herd management things. Maybe bring in some new stock. Mostly, he’s looking at long-term cash flow that isn’t directly tied to the beef market.” His tone was less than enthusiastic, as if he didn’t believe anything else would work out. She wondered if Levi was pushing for the campground at the expense of other valid ideas. Didn’t it make sense to preserve the land as much as possible? The Haywoods made their fortune by selling luxury to outsiders, and they were paying for it now by maxing out their land capacity—or they wouldn’t be after Agate Falls’ space.
    “Granddaddy would spit in your eye if he knew you were thinking of developing the land.” He’d cherished his chew like a prize, always tucking a bit away in his lip and keeping the rest in his front shirt pocket, just like her dad had done until he’d quit a few years back. The comment drew a smile that made his eyes sparkle.
    “Yes, ma’am, he would. Good thing he’s not here right now, isn’t it?” Her heart fell at his reply. She worried that he wouldn’t refuse the campground if it came right down to it. She needed to talk to Levi some more and find out just what other plans he had up his sleeve. She set down her mug and began scooping the leftovers into a container.
    She’d been alone with Levi this morning. Soaking wet, safe in his arms. Warm…and tingly and tight with anticipation when he’d kissed her. That scorching kiss, with her body pressed against his, the rise and fall of his chest under her breasts, had driven an electrifying spark though her that she hadn’t felt in, well, ever. That alone made the idea of hanging around tempting.
    And ridiculous. Rolling her eyes at her own foolishness, Carrie put a lid on the container and her wayward fantasies. “How long will you be gone?”
    “Couple days. I’m heading out tomorrow morning. Levi will have everything under control here while I’m gone.” Buying and selling cattle had always been her dad’s thing. Being on the road with his truck and stock trailer was like Christmas for him, so she wasn’t surprised that he hadn’t pawned this trip off on someone else. “I’ll be calling you three times a day and Levi or one of the Haywood women will be by every day to check in with you.”
    “Okay.” She wiped her hands on a dish towel before turning to put her arms around him. There was no sense in reminding him that her diabetes had been good to her lately and she hadn’t had a low in months. He’d worry anyway.

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