Ice Dreams Part 3

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Book: Ice Dreams Part 3 by Melissa Johns Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melissa Johns
it up, she collapsed on the floor and leaned back against the counter. She took a deep breath but it didn't stop the tears.
    When she opened her eyes, she saw Hunter leaning against the door frame. "She will be ok, Maddy. She's a tough cookie."
    She nodded. "I know. How did it go downstairs?"
    "Everything is taken care of. The caterers are leaving now. We will handle everything else in the morning. Come on, I will drive us to the hospital."
    She nodded as he helped her up. "Let me change and I will meet you downstairs."
    Madison walked into the guest room and grabbed a pair of jeans and a blouse. She quickly buttoned it when she realized that she hadn't called Mike yet.
    She reached for the phone. "Hey Madison, I was just about to get ready."
    She started to tear up again thinking about Alicia. "Alicia was taken to the hospital."
    "What happened? Is she ok?"
    "I’m not sure but I think she had a miscarriage."
    "Madison, I'm so sorry. Let me come and pick you up. I will take you to the hospital and do whatever you need me to do."
    "Thank you. I really appreciate the offer but Hunter is already here and we are running out of the door."
    Mike was briefly silent before he responded. "I understand. Will you keep me posted?"
    "Of course." She hung up and ran down the stairs. She spotted Hunter on the front porch talking on his cell phone.
    "I'm happy to hear that she will be ok. Yeah, we are heading up there right now." He hung up and turned to face Madison. "She's ok."
    Madison released the breath she was holding. "Thank God and the baby?" Hunter looked down and Maddy knew. "She lost it?"
    He nodded. "Carter said the doctors claim she's healthy and conceiving again won't be a problem."
    Madison nodded. "Come on, I want to see her."
    They climbed into Hunter's truck and headed towards the hospital. Madison knew it was nothing that Alicia did to start the miscarriage but she was still worried about her sister.
    Once they were at the hospital, Hunter and Madison got into the elevator and headed towards her room. Right before they walked in, Madison grabbed Hunter's arm. "I just wanted to thank you."
    He looked down into her eyes. "For what, sweetheart?"
    "Helping at their house and putting our differences aside."
    He smiled. "You asked for a truce. I won't bring up my love for you or how much I want to hold you as we sleep tonight."
    Madison smiled. "Well, thank you for not bringing it up then."
    He winked at her as he opened the door. She walked inside and spotted Carter lying on the bed next to Alicia. He had her tucked into his side. She spotted her parents sitting next to the bed. "Madison, I'm glad you finally made it."
    She looked at her mother and rolled her eyes. She rushed to Alicia's side and held her hand. "Please tell me that you are ok."
    She nodded slowly. "The doctor's told me that there was something wrong with the baby and this was nature's way of correcting it."
    Madison agreed. "That's true. You will have another chance in the future. I know you will have a big family."
    Alicia started to cry. "Our wedding day." Carter pulled her closer. "Baby, we will get married but your health is more important."
    Madison looked around the room. "Where did Hunter go? He was behind me."
    Carter shrugged. "I have no idea." He turned his attention back to Alicia. "Do you need anything?"
    She shook her head. "No, I'm sorry Carter." He leaned down and kissed her lips. "There is nothing to be sorry about, Alicia. We will try again and don't worry. We will continue to try and try." He chuckled.
    Madison groaned. "TMI."
    Alicia smiled as Hunter returned. "Hunter, where were you?"
    He smiled. "You ok, Alicia?"
    She nodded. "I will be."
    Hunter looked at Carter. "Can I borrow you for a second?"
    He nodded and kissed Alicia. "Be right back." They disappeared out the door as Maddy looked at Alicia. "What's that about?"
    She shrugged. "Hey, thank you for dealing with all the wedding stuff at home."
    "No problem at all. Everyone send their

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