Dismantled (Girls on Top #2)

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Book: Dismantled (Girls on Top #2) by Yara Greathouse Read Free Book Online
Authors: Yara Greathouse
huge torso, until I reach the face of perfection.
    “Hi, Ciara. Remember me?”
    “Blaze!” I stand up to give him a hug. Traxx looks back with a questioning look on his face. I choose to ignore him for a moment as I would like to see his reaction if I show some interest in a guy.
    “How have you been?”
    “Super busy. After college I started my own business creating custom computers and network systems for other companies.”
    “Really? That’s awesome! I’m just finishing my graduate coursework and I’m working assisting Dr. Ramos, here in town until I finish.” He has come a long way from the hacker he used to be when we were in school. Even though he does not look like it, the guy has a genius IQ.
    He gives me a once over, “You are looking just as pretty as I remember, tell me again why we stopped hanging out?”
    I would have thought that Traxx’s neck was going to break by the way he moved it so fast in order to look at us. “Because we didn’t have any more classes together.”
    “That should not have happened.”
    “Blaze, don’t be silly. You were dating that girl, with the jeweled necklace tattooed on her neck, remember? Besides, we are better as friends anyway and you know it.”
    He seems to think about it for a few seconds, “Oh, yeah… That was a few chicks ago.”
    “I’m afraid to ask how many is a few, Mr. Casanova.” I smile at him.
    “Well, it doesn’t mean that we can’t hang out sometime, as friends, of course.”
    “Of course.” My eyes drift to Traxx, who’s stopping his treadmill and coming over to stand by my side.
    “Hey Ciara, what’s up?” He nods towards Blaze.
    “Hey, Traxx, meet my friend Blaze Debrecht. Blaze, this is my friend, Traxx Maxwell.” They shake hands and give each other a thorough check. Men, ugh! When I look at Traxx, he’s frowning.
    “Are you ready to go, Ciara?” He sounds aggravated. I look at him curious to know what happened to change his mood.
    Blaze looks at me and smiles. “Well, I was just going to get started on my daily routine workout.” He ‘bounces’ his pecs while looking at me. “Call me sometime, Ciara. I don’t have a business card on me, but you can google my company – Debrecht Systems – or find me through LinkedIn or Facebook.”
    “Has your number changed since college, Blaze?”
    “Nah, it’s still the same.”
    “Then I think I still have it stored in my phone.” I smile at him.
    “Good deal, then. Hope to hear from you soon.” Blaze winks at me then looks at Traxx and extends his arm out towards him. “Hey man, nice to meet you.”
    Traxx nods his way while shaking Blaze’s hand, then looks at me. “Ready?”
    “I guess so. I thought we were going to do the treadmill for a bit.”
    “I don’t feel like it anymore.”
    “Okay, let’s go.” We walk quietly towards the car. If he thinks he’s going to flip flop his moods without talking to me about it, he has another thing coming.

    We get in the car and I’m struggling to keep my irritation contained. The little exchange inside the gym was just a quick realization that there are other guys, normal guys who are going after Ciara. And here I am, trying to exorcise my very own demons, holding a place at the very end of that line. Why do I even think that I can compete? That I can pull my shit together in order to have a chance with her? For years I’ve wanted her to be mine, but I was always too chicken shit to give into this thing between us, to try and have a normal relationship, preferring to keep her as my close friend without stepping over the invisible line. And now, now it’s all fucked up. I’ve got to fix myself before I can pursue her like she deserves.
    I don’t have to look her way to know that she is looking at me. Studying everything I say and everything I do. It’s unnerving. I love it when she does it, but still. No wonder I’m all fucked up – I’m a walking contradiction. The irritation comes back tenfold and I

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