Crashing Into You

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did. I
wanted it more than anything.
    But I knew he couldn't. I
shook my head. “I don’t think that’s a good idea, Evan. I think I’m just gonna
go to bed.”
    He nodded, real fast, and
said, “All right.”
    I put my card in the slot.
Pushed the door open. “I’ll see you later, okay?”
    I entered the building and
let the door shut behind me. When I reached the other side of the entrance
hall, I turned around and waved. He was still outside, still in the cold, still
with the rain to contend with. He waved back, with little enthusiasm. He turned
around, put his jacket over his head, and started running back down the hill.
    I pushed the elevator button.
I usually took the stairs, but I was too depressed to perform any real exercise.
    “It was the right thing,” I
said, as I rode up. I rambled to myself, on and on, and paced back and forth. “No,
that was definitely the right thing. Not while she’s your roommate, Sydney.
Come on. If he really likes me, he'll just... he'll break up with her. Yeah.
That's what he'll do.”
    I took a deep breath, and
slammed my fist against the wall, twice. Every time I closed my eyes, I saw his
cheeks, his dimples, those wanting lips—so I kept them open. I headed
down the third floor hallway, and entered my dorm. It was pitch black inside.
    “Melanie?” I asked.
    No answer. She hadn't come
home early. She was still at the party—as I expected.
    I didn’t brush my teeth, or
wash my face. I just curled up on my bed, and stared at the bunk above me.
    Evan liked me. I kept
thinking it over and over again.
    I’m not sure how long I stayed
awake. I tossed and turned, tried to clear my head, to no avail. Evan wanted
me. I wanted him. But it wasn’t right. Would it ever be right?
    I finally dozed off, sometime
after midnight, but I didn’t sleep all the way to morning. Something woke me
up. The door opening. A loud thud.
    I opened my eyes. The room
was all fuzzy.
    “Hello?” I said. I blinked a
few times. “Melanie? Is that you?”
    “Uhh, yeah,” she said,
softly, from above. She didn't sound too good.
    “Hey. How was the party?”
    “Fine,” she said, after a few
seconds of silence. Her voice sounded not just tired, but dejected, like
something bad had happened. I decided not to interrogate her, though; it was
3:30 in the morning.  
    “Well… goodnight,” I said.
    I sort of had to pee, but
didn’t have the energy to get up. I laid my head back against the pillow, and
fell asleep.  
    Chapter 11
    We were soaked, standing on
opposite sides of the elevator. His white shirt was see-through, and his tight
pants looked too uncomfortable to bear.
    Evan circled me, inspected
every inch of my naked body, and struck his fist against the EMERGENCY button.
He pressed his chest against my back, ran his fingers down the crease of my
ass. When he started kissing me on the back of my neck, I let out a loud moan.
    “Evan… stop…”
    “Oh God... Sydney…”
    “Stop, it isn’t right...”
    “I know,” Evan said. “That's
what makes it so fun .”
    He whirled me around, gazed
into my eyes. We locked our lips together, as I sunk my fingernails into his lower
back. I pulled him across the empty elevator, and pushed him up against the
wall. I removed his wet shirt, and unbuttoned his jeans. I pushed my hands against
his boxer briefs, against his hard-on.
    “Oh my God,” Evan said, as he
breathed against my shoulder. “That feels so good.”
    I dropped to my knees, pulled
down on his jeans, and started kissing the adorable tuft of hair beneath his
    He pulled me back up to my
feet, kissed me on the lips again, and said, “You know how much I love you?”
    I let out a deep breath, and
readied my answer. But he didn't give me time to respond.
    He kissed me even harder. His
back glided up against all the buttons, and the elevator shook for a second.
    Then it started to drop.
    But I didn’t mind; neither of
us did. The elevator started

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