No easy way out

Free No easy way out by Elaine Raco Chase

Book: No easy way out by Elaine Raco Chase Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elaine Raco Chase
if you clean your plate. And I've defrosted everybody's
favorite, Sara Lee cheesecake."
    "The one with strawberries?" At her affirmative nod Diane
emitted a low groan. "That's bribery! Do you know I once ate one
still frozen?" She took a deep breath, then proceeded to attack her
dinner. Her eyebrows arched in pleasant surprise. The entree proved
almost gourmet; the peas and tiny pearl onions were tender yet
crisp; even the whipped potatoes were not as gluey as she
    Dinner and dessert were garnished with heavy doses of laughter
and girlish giggles, travel stories and love tales retold, details
embellished courtesy of the rapidly emptying bottle of rose.
    "Do you want any coffee?" Virginia asked, her forehead puckering
at the difficulty she had in forming those few words.
    Diane shook her head. "I don't want to sober the glow." She
smiled and reached for a cigarette. "You really are quite the
conversationalist. Your trips are fascinating, and so is your
    "Thank you." Virginia felt a rush of heat surging to her face,
and she wriggled uncomfortably on the chair cushion. "I haven't
talked so much in ages," she confessed, then whispered: "I think
it's the wine."
    "I think you're just relaxed and confident about your subject,"
Diane told her with inebriated wisdom.
    Elbows on the table, her flushed cheeks balanced on the palms of
her hands, Virginia looked inquiringly. "Do you really think I'm
interesting? I'm usually content to sit and listen unless someone
asks specifics." All the s's got tangled in her teeth, her
thickened tongue clearing them away.
    "You are very interesting; you are very knowledgeable; and you
are very attractive." Diane waved her hands to emphasize each
point, then began slapping out the burning ashes that scattered
across the antique pink tabletop. "What do you think I've been
trying to tell you!" Her voice became shrill but not from
    "It would be wonderful if Alex Braddock thought so," Virginia
mumbled on a wistful note, her full mouth pouting childishly. "I'd
give anything if he would-" The ringing telephone startled her; her
face slipped from the hands that cradled it. With slow, fumbling
movements Virginia leaned her chair backward toward the serving
counter and scooped up the receiver. "Dr. Farrell." The words were
delivered in rote.
    "Good evening, Doctor. This is Alex Braddock."
    She didn't need to hear the confirmation of his name. The deep
baritone that rolled through the line like smooth, aged bourbon
caressed her ear and evoked instant visualization.
    Virginia made a grab for the table edge to keep herself and the
chair from crashing to the carpet. "H-e-1-l-o, A-l-e-x." Each
letter stuttered to life. She took a deep breath, made a valiant
effort to remain calm, and hoped the fog that shrouded her brain
would lift faster than the smog that covered L.A.
    Diane was by her side in an instant. Now there were two ears,
two alcohol-dulled brains, and two pounding hearts waiting in
anticipatory panic.
    "I missed seeing you this afternoon," his charming voice
soothed. "I just wanted to let you know the lab is no longer a
cluttered mess, and Glendale sent a robot for you to work on."
    Virginia began to breathe at her normal rate. "That was very
thoughtful of you." Diane rolled her eyes, then pantomimed wildly
for her to be less formal. "I don't usually leave so early," she
continued, feeling more relaxed, a definite lilt in her voice, "but
I had a few outside errands to run." She leaned back in the chair,
gaining more confidence every minute; Diane patted her hand
    "I'm just so very glad that we got the Halloween mix-up
straightened out today," came his casual remark. "I do hope you
won't hold it against me."
    "Of course not," Virginia gave a carefree laugh. "I am looking
forward to working with you and learning more about lasers and
solar energy. I think we will make an exciting team." She looked at
Diane, who nodded vigorously.
    "I'm sure we will, Doctor...." Alex

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