low in her belly.
    Oddly, when he had come it had
not made her stomach heave or left her feeling half as disgusted as
she expected. But she had felt cringing humiliation when she had
dared to look up and, with her mouth overflowing with his semen,
seen the smouldering lust that had still been in his eyes. The
salty-flavoured come had pooled in her throat. She had known
instinctively what she had to do and she had done it. Pam could
accept she had had no choice. What she could not accept was that
she had been excited while doing it. Those days were gone. They had
ended along with her affair with Rick and she did not want them, or
anything like them, to ever return. She was done with it. It had
never been her true nature and she had locked it away where it
could do no further harm. And she was through with men. She had
sworn that the day she had learned how the bastards could lie and
cheat and break her heart. Her gut went tight. They had hurt her much more since she had arrived in this
horrible caricature of reality. Unlike her own world, saying no
would not work here.
    She learned how true that was
minutes after Christine reported her present for duty to the
crewman in charge in the saloon and left her to her task. Serving
drinks and snacks, fluffing cushions and tidying magazines were
familiar enough to Pam from her days as a stewardess. Being stared
at while almost naked and groped by nearly everyone she served was
not. Even some of the women wanted to lift the obscenely brief
semi-circle of material covering her buttocks and look at the welts
the flogging had inflicted.
    “I’ve never been this close to
one of That Kind before,” one of them said to the man beside her as
she let Pam’s loincloth fall back into place. She was about forty
and rather thick-waisted but Pam remembered she had still worn one
of the revealing dresses the night before. “Is it true they’re
juicing all the time?”
    “Let’s see,” the man replied,
turned Pam and lifted her front covering. She clenched her fists,
forcing them to stay at her sides as the couple stared at her bald
sex. Others were also watching, none of them showing any
self-consciousness or embarrassment. Only Pam felt that. Not only
the laws of nature but the moral standards too were different in
this awful place. She gritted her teeth as the man slid a fingertip
over her slit and pushed it between her damp pussy-lips.
    “Yes, she’s juicing a bit. Her
clit’s not as swollen as I expected, though. I’d heard they get so
hard they’re near to bursting most of the time.” He laughed.
    Pam cringed inwardly as the
tingling, which had never fully subsided after her encounter with
Drake, increased. How long were the effects of that damned drug
going to last?
    “You should try her out,” the
woman said, horrifyingly casual.
    The man smiled. “I’d rather have
you, my dear.”
    The woman smiled back. “Have us
both. You know I like that.”
    “Perhaps I will later.” His
finger slipped free. “More coffee, girl.” He did not look at Pam’s
face as he gave the order.
    She hurried away, not at all
relieved by what could only be a temporary reprieve. They had
discussed her like an object, like an animal, not a human being, as
if her thoughts and wants and feelings were of no importance. Her
belly fluttered. That was exactly the way it was. Yet they were not
unfeeling. They obviously had affection for one another. Their
empathy just did not extend to slaves, especially not to whatever
slaves of That Kind might be. And everyone thought she was one of
them. Would Christine explain if she asked, or would she hit her
    Having served the coffee,
endured the man’s exploration of one of her sore breasts and the
woman commenting on how red her persistently stiff nipples were,
Pam returned to the place she had been told to stand, amid the
tables in the saloon that were her responsibility. She watched the
passengers seated around them like the trained stewardess she

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